Chapter Nine

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Nine:

The sky was veiled with a thick blanket of stars as Narvana rode through the shire silently, black cloak ruffling in the breeze as wisps of blood-red hair were gently tousled by Mother Nature.

She had yet to meet anyone on the path through as she moved into Hobbiton, looking for the house Gandalf claimed would be "clearly marked".

As she trotted up a hill at a sedate pace, she felt the faint memory of Gandalf's magic fluttering in the breeze, and smiled softly, following the tug through.

She came to a sweet little home named Bag End, with dainty flowers in its small garden and a bright green door, a blue rune carved into it.

She dismounted, trusting Taurevana, her pony, to stay near enough, and gently sidled towards the door, ears picking up the sound of raucous laughter.

She knocked on the door, and all fell silent.

It opened a moment later, and a hobbit appeared. He seemed very flustered, a vein on his forehead pulsing (it reminded her a bit of her father when the twins annoyed him, the thought sending a pang of nostalgia through her heart), though as she drew down her hood and offered him a radiant smile, he blushed and smiled warmly at her.

"I am sorry to bother you, master hobbit, but I was wondering if I have come to the right place," she asked softly, melodious voice like tinkling bells.

He gave a wry grin. "I daresay you have, my lady. Please come in."

"Thank you, master hobbit, you are most kind."

She ducked deeply to get in, murmuring words of thanks as the hobbit took her cloak for her, and allowed her to place her possessions down.

"Mithrandir!" She laughed, stepping through a curved archway to embrace him. Not paying any heed to the several spluttering dwarves, Gandalf hugged her back tightly.

"I'm glad you could make it. I was not sure if you would come."

She met Thorin's eyes as Gandalf spoke, nodding at him in greeting as she directed her response to him. "I once told someone that should they ever need me, I will come. I do not break my promises."

Thorin inclined his head at her, "and it is appreciated."

"My lady!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

She spun around, beaming. "Balin!" Kneeling down to embrace the greying dwarf.

"You are later than I hoped, Narvana." Gandalf stated in mock sternness as he addressed her.

"I think you will find, Mithrandir, that I am never early - nor am I late! I arrive precisely when I mean to!"

He chuckled, embracing her again. "I must remember that one."

"I am so sorry, master hobbit, I never caught your name."

"Bilbo Baggins, my lady. Might I enquire as to yours?" She smiled at his formality as he bowed.

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