Chapter Three

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Just thought I'd let you know that I changed the love interest from Legolas to Glorfindel. Will be kinda a slow burn but let me know if you want me to do a Legolas version of this story.

"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Three:

The decades passed much quicker when she was not surrounded by mortals, Narvana discovered.

She grew into a tall, beautiful elleth, features very much similar to from her past life, except her eyes were slightly more feline in shape, and she was about three inches taller, leaving her at about Six foot. She was slightly smaller than the average elleth, most at around six foot three inches tall, and her blood red hair left her very distinctive.

There were elves with auburn hair, most of them living in Mirkwood, but she had yet to encounter one with such a vivid red as her own.

Her eyes became a deep emerald permanently when her 'inner child' began growing and merging with her 'inner adult' giving her adult mind full control.

She had essentially been adopted by Celebrían and Elrond as a second daughter, and she loved them like her parents, even though she knew that they weren't truly. Nonetheless, they still treated her as one of their own.

She had lessons with Elrond from age 10, at first teaching her different languages, and then moving onto history. She had asked to be taught in combat and strategy, but he merely grimaced and told her "when you're older."

She was made to suffer through sewing lessons, embroidery, and extremely boring conversations with gossipy elleths.

It was clear to everyone, that she was not a 'typical' elleth child, and that she would most likely prefer to be out riding when she was inside suffering through tea parties. (Not that Arwen particularly enjoyed them either)

Nonetheless, she was made to sit through them anyway.

In TA 1020, she started being trained to use her powers under Elrond and Mithrandrir (whenever he passed through the valley).

They taught her how to manipulate elements, something which she took to very quickly, eventually managing to maintain multiple at once.

She practically soaked up information and books like a sponge in a lake, always with follow-up questions.

She asked about learning combat again when she was 20, in the year 1027, but the answer was still no. It frustrated her to no end (something which was very clear).

How was she meant to be a warrior, if she had no way of learning how? She didn't really need strategy lessons, after all, she was an Auror for a long time, but there were bound to be differences between worlds in factors to take into account when strategising.

In the year 1035, Elladan and Elrohir began training her in secret, after many quiet arguments and irritatingly good points on her part. They began with strategy, and then moved on to basic fighting - stances, hand to hand combat and archery.

In 1047, she became fully-grown, though was still essentially considered to be a child due to her young age, and wouldn't officially be considered an adult until her 100th birthday, despite the fact that from forty, she would grow no more.

It was on the anniversary of her arrival in Imladris that she cornered Elrond in his study.

Narvana sunk back into her favourite chair, just staring at him while he looked through papers behind his desk. She was dressed in a deep emerald green dress, one which matched her eyes. Her hair flowed down her back freely, hiding her ears.

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