Chapter Ten

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Ten:

She and Radagast raced across plains, dodging rocks and wargs alike as they pulled attention away from the company, who she could see out of the corner of her eye.

The wind whipped around them, her curly hair fluttering and dancing. The sky was overcast, but the air seemed to get lighter as they moved closer to Imaldris.

She fired several arrows at a time, aiming for warg necks to kill both them and their riders, only missing her mark once when Taurevana made a sharp turn.

Soon, Radagast was out of sight, and she had found herself with the company, two arrows left in her quiver. Dismounting from Taurevana, she knocked one of the arrows, firing it at a warg who was rapidly approaching. It fell with a thump, but it's rider did not die.

Kili too, was almost out of arrows, and Taurevana was pacing nervously around them, whinnying in distress.

"Quick! Em! Kili!"

She grabbed the young dwarf by the arm, murmuring words of comfort to Taurevana, who bolted into the woods, none of the wargs or their riders following her. Narvana pulled Kili down into the hidden passage, both grunting as they fell onto their backsides.

An elf horn sounded from the distance, and her heart picked up.

"Follow me." She muttered nervously, leading the dwarves, hobbit and wizard through the secret passage.

"You know where you're going," Thorin stated from behind her.

"I was raised here." Was the short reply.

"It is your home then?" Ori asked, somewhat in relief that the elves would likely give them a warm welcome.

"Not for many years."

None really knew how to respond to that, continuing in silence.

Imaldris was as beautiful as ever: the scent of pine permeated the air; the suns rays reached every corner of the valley; the waterfalls tumbled elegantly. It was home - even after all these years.

The dwarves seemed shocked into silence (Narvana didn't even know it was possible) as they crossed bridges and paths which she knew like the back of her hand, and they ended up in a flat courtyard.

She and Gandalf stepped to the side, while the dwarves and hobbit grouped in the centre of the courtyard in a huddle.

She sucked in a deep breath when she recognised Lindir, who greeted Gandalf warmly, brown eyes widening.

"Lady Narvana, it is wonderful to see you once more." He greeted with a smile.

She had always gotten on well with Lindir, counted him a friend.

"Lindir. I am glad to see you are well." She smiled, and he did not comment if it was a little strained.

"We must speak with lord Elrond - is he here?" Gandalf asked.

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