Extra Scenes

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Extra Scenes:

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The union between Glorfindel and Narvana was a loud, joyous affair filled with laughter and love. The two elves adorned smiles which never seemed to cease, and their radiance borne from love was dazzling to behold.

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"You're pregnant." They both blinked.

"Huh." Glorfindel said lightly, sitting down on a wooden chair.

"Huh." Narvana echoed, still blinking owlishly.

"We're pregnant." He repeated, and she whipped her head around to face him. He gulped.

"Nope. You are not doing the whole "we're pregnant, yay!" Thing. I am pregnant. I will be birthing this child from my body. You have a pregnant wife. Big difference." She grouched.
"Like hell am I letting you take credit."

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"How's is going Nar?"

"Oh I have this headache that comes and goes."

Glorfindel bounded into the room cheerily, babbling about something mundane.

"There it is."

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"I wonder who the baby will be more like." Arwen mused.

Narvana paled at the question, eyes widening.

Glorfindel immediately moved to kneel in front of her. "Nar?"

"Oh dear god. What if the baby's like me?"

"What?" He asked with a smile, "kind, generous, selfless, irritatingly noble and self sacrificial- oh." His face fell. "Oh no."

"I set a snake on my cousin at aged ten. He deserved it but I still did it. I flew a car into a sentient tree at aged twelve and almost got expelled from school. I killed a basilisk with a sword at aged twelve too. I confronted a supposed-mass murderer at thirteen. I outflow a dragon at aged fourteen. I started an illegal army at aged fifteen. I cast an unknown spell at a rival and almost killed him at sixteen. I killed a dark Lord at seventeen. And you're just-" she motioned absently to him, "Glorfindel. Elbereth we're screwed."

Arwen had to leave the room because she could no longer smother her giggles.

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Glorfindel loved his wife, truly, he did - with every fibre of his being, in fact; there was nothing that he wouldn't do for her.

And it was because of his love for her, that he was hiding in a dusty corner of the library of the House of the Golden Flower in New Gondolin: because Narvana was scary normally, but Narvana at the end of her pregnancy? He could've sworn that Mandos himself shuddered when she was on a rampage earlier that day because someone (read: Glorfindel) had taken her apple pastry and she was determined to discover who.

It didn't help that her magic was temperamental because of the pregnancy either.

So, the famed Balrog-Slayer and fearless hero of Gondolin was hiding in the library like an elfling. He wasn't alone though - Ecthelion had taken one glance at Narvana and ran for the hills, because she had yet to pay him back for the prank he played on her years ago (citing that he would rue the day, and keeping him in a permanent state of unease by never specifying when that day would be).

So, both Gondolin heroes sat on the floor in silence, eyes wide as they attempted to make themselves as small as possible. The door to the library opened just then, and the telltale sound of a pregnant elleth's feet (not stomping, "never stomping, hunny! You're simply not as light footed as- ow!") echoed through the - supposedly - empty room.

The two breathed audible sighs of relief as after a few moments of searching, the footsteps receded and door closed on the way out.

The eleven lords let their guard down too early, standing with breathless laughter and turning around with smiles which faded almost comically-quickly at the sight of an irate pregnant warrior who's magic was crackling in the air.

They both gulped, eyes wide, as her grin became predatory.

Uh oh.

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Lilime Úriniel was born midday on the celebration of Tarnin Austa, the Gates of Summer, which happened to be Narvana's favourite celebration. It tended to be more solemn that it once was, for it was the anniversary of the Fall of Gondolin, but
the city was adorned with lamps which shone like stars, and the budding trees were adorned with lights which gleamed many colours like jewels. The child's hair was Glorfindel's golden, and her eyes were Narvana's emeralds; she, much to their pride and worry, had a natural aptitude to fighting, and was somewhat of a nightmare to raise.

Their son Silevon Isiluil was born in winter in the middle of the night many years later. Unlike his elder sister, he was quiet and calm, a temperament so unlike both of his parent's that it was disconcerting. But he was powerful, and spent long times travelling and learning how to hone and practise his magic in ways more than what his parents and family could teach him. His hair was red and eyes silver, and quickly became Erestor's favourite of that family.

They abided in New Gondolin, and Glorfindel retook the mantle of Lord of the House of the Golden Flower, allowing Ecthelion to focus on his own house. The mantle eventually went to Lilime, who was much beloved by all like her father, and Glorfindel and Narvana retired to a forest a weeks journey away, where they built a home and lived among nature.

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Legolas' son was almost an exact replica of his father, save for his mother's eyes. Legolas, Elanor and Faeldaer travelled to New Gondolin to meet with their friends and introduce their respective children for the first time when Silevon was but a child still. The adults embraced in the street with laughs and greetings, and stepped aside to introduce their children.

When Faeldaer's and Lilime's eyes met, they both smiled softly, and became captivated. Their parents blinked rapidly, and three of their faces broke out into wide smiles.

"Over my dead body!" Cried Glorfindel.

Narvana rolled her eyes. "If only." She sighed teasingly, winking at her daughter who giggled.

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Lilime Úriniel = Lily daughter of the Sun
Silevon Isiluil = [shining white crystal] son of the Moon

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Thank you so much for joining me (and Narvana and Glorfindel) on this journey! It's over now, and I have no intention of writing a sequel. I may at some point come back and add more extra scenes, but who knows! For now, I'm going to try and get back into Enchanted, and then will likely do a Legolas version of this after that (or when I hit another writers block). Once again, it means the world to me that so many of you have actually enjoyed this work.

Stay safe everyone!

- Els :)

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