Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Twenty-Seven:

The Battle of Pelennor Fields, as it was thereafter known, was the greatest battle of the War of the Ring. The casualties were heavy on the side of the light, and near total on the side of the dark. The turn of the tide was the arrival of the Grey Company, Lord Glorfindel, Prince Legolas, Gimli son of Glóin, and the future King of Gondor with the Army of the Dead.

King Théoden, Halbarad, and Steward Denethor (though the latter was not so much mourned as it was rejoiced), alongside the Witch-King of Angmar were all lost. Meriadoc Brandybuck and Éowyn of Rohan were wounded severely when defeating the Witch-King, and it was by the healing hands of Aragorn and Elladan (who had arrived with the Grey company) that they survived.

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The elleth with ruby-coloured hair whipped around sharply at the familiar voice as she walked among the dead with Pippin, and a breathless laugh escaped her as she beheld who had called her name.

Elrohir met her halfway for a bone-crushing hug, lifting her feet off the ground in his enthusiasm, but she had no time to rest for Elladan was there immediately after to draw her in again.

"What are you doing here?"

"Galadriel requested we seek Aragorn and father bade us to deliver counsel to our future brother." Elrohir chirped. "And we missed you!"

"How have you been?" Asked Elladan, eyes roving over her and searching for wounds.

She shrugged. "Well enough. How fares Imladris?"

"It's peaceful without you and Glorfindel there." Said Elrohir with a grin. "Erestor has finally managed to get some work done, though I think he misses our dear Balrog-Slayer."

"Speaking of whom-" began Elladan, looking around to try and find the former Lord of Gondolin with a frown. "Do you know what is the matter with him? He seemed particularly... sullen."

Elrohir nodded gravely, eyebrows contorting into a frown also. "But more than that, there was something... off... with him."

"Off..?" She asked curiously. Did he know how she felt?

Elladan hummed, but their conversation was ended when Pippin gave a great cry and rushed to Merry's fallen form, and they all followed immediately.

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Glorfindel and Narvana had stoutly ignored each-other's eyes when they reconvened in the hall in Minas Tirith a day later. They had subtly checked each other over for injuries, naturally, like it was second nature, but they could not even bare to let silver and emerald collide, not after what happened back outside of the Halls of Meduseld. Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, Éomer, Elladan, Elrohir and the remainder of the Fellowship were gathered in Minas Tirith's throne room, puzzling over their next best course of action.

"Frodo has passed beyond my sight." Gandalf sighed. "The darkness is deepening."

"If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it." Said Aragorn with a soft shake of his head.

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