Chapter Six

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Six:

TA 1301:

"Narvana?" Glorfindel approached her.

Said elleth was sat leaning against a tree in Celebrian's garden in Imaldris, the flowers around her fluttering in the spring breeze as she read in a rare moment of peace.

Ever since she began travelling, her life had become slaying orcs and goblins; and training with Glorfindel when she returned home. She had been back in Imaldris for a few months, staying for a break after around 10 years of constant travelling.

"Glorfy." She grinned, chuckling when he groaned.

"Your father wants to see you. It's important."

She nodded, smiling softly at the hand he offered to help her up and walking beside him down the hallways.

"Do you know what this is in regards to?" She asked curiously.

The Lord of the House of the Golden Flower furrowed his brows, "I cannot say for certain. I have an inkling - I know that he received an important missive earlier today, but I know not what was it's contents."

She nodded in understanding, entering her father-in-all-but-blood's study.

Narvana was slightly surprised to see Lord Celeborn in the room alongside the others, but embraced him nonetheless and moved to sit in between Elladan and Elrohir.

"Lord Celeborn has informed me that the Black Nûmenorian who created the realm known as Angmar to the North of Rhudaur last year is more than who we thought: he is the Witch King."
Elrond's brown was furrowed with worry as he addressed some of his best warriors and advisors. "Also, the Lady Galadriel has passed on the message that the Nazgul are reappearing."

"This is not good." Elladan murmured to himself, Narvana nodding in agreement.

"I will impress the importance of constant vigilance upon our guards, my Lord." Glorfindel intoned, smirking at the way Elrohir still jumped slightly at how he said it.

Elrond nodded in thanks. "We do not know what this means for certain, but whatever it is, things are changing - and not for the better."

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TA 1356

Narvana furiously swung her sword which sliced the head off of an orc, turning just in time to block another's advances.

The sky roared and released torrents of rain, washing away blood and wetting the ground.

She was fighting in defence of the Weather Hills during an invasion from the Angmar-controlled Rhudaur, after resting in a nearby village when screams and the sound of fighting were heard in the distance.

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