Chapter Fifteen

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Fifteen:

Months passed.

With the warm company of her family (which had rapidly grown to incorporate Gilraen and Aragorn once more), she healed.

Elladan and Elrohir cheered her up by teaching Aragorn how to prank and covering Glorfindel's chambers with grass one fine morning.

Elrond was a listening ear, comforting and warm as they would sit in silence and read.

Glorfindel sparred with her, a contagious, cheeky grin on his face.

Aragorn asked her to teach him some basic defence - which she did. Nothing with swords or blades for the moment, but simple defence. She also taught him strategy and began to introduce him to tracking - he took to it all like a moth to a flame.

Gilraen asked for stories, anything to take her mind off of her dead husband - even if it had been many years.

It was months after the battle that she began another project: completing her animagus form.

It had been put on the back burner and forgotten about, so she began again. Starting with randomly sprouting scarlet and gold feathers in her hair (which Erestor liked to use for quills), then to being able to exchange arms for wings, then to having a feathery tail, then to finally completing the form once more, in a secluding clearing in the forest.

Her plumage encapsulated the pigments of the dying sunset, gold burning brightly. Emerald green eyes shone in effervescence, in their infinite depths lay forests and life.

Narvana stretched her wings experimentally, softly moving them back and forth.

She had forgotten how much she loved to fly.

The Phoenix soared across the forest towards Imladris and into the sunset, trilling happily as the wind ruffled her feathers and kept her suspended in the air.

Down in Imladris, elves gathered on the streets to watch the bird of death and life in confusion and awe, Aragorn bouncing around Glorfindel as he fired off innumerable questions while the warrior stood, mouth agape besides Elrond.

She could stay in the air forever.

Up there, she was free.

A dark presence looked towards Rivendell, and Narvana's scars burned in fury.

She flew to the ground decidedly inelegantly, landing in front of Glorfindel, Aragorn and Elrond, the latter of which looked increasingly nervous at the darkness which was fixated on them.

She shifted back to her human form, tunic and leggings dripping with sweat as she fell to her knees and clutched her head and chest.


The Lady of The Flame looked up, tears blurring her eyes from the pain which she had not felt in a very long time.

The Lady of The FlameWhere stories live. Discover now