Chapter Eight

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Eight:

"You're leaving." Galadriel's voice echoed in her mind on the journey back.

Narvana nodded stiffly.


"You know why."

Galadriel did not respond for several minutes as they rode next to each other in silence. "Be safe. I will speak with the others."

"Thank you."

"Think nothing of it- you're family,"

Narvana did not return to Imaldris again until over 400 years later.

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From TA 2509-2745, Narvana spent time in the newly formed Rohan, helping defend the kingdom from attacks and advising the new line of Kings.

In TA 2745, she left to Dol Amroth after hearing of issues with the Corsairs of Umbar. She aided the defence of Dol-En-Ernil against the enemy forces, though was too late to save Amrothos, the 15th prince of Dol Amroth.

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TA 2747

Narvana rode past the Shire, wind ruffling her blood-red hair as she searched for Gandalf, when the sound of goblin cries reached her keen ears.

Quickly, turning around, she rode through the beautiful fields to see an army of halflings facing a band of Goblins.

Rapidly drawing her bow, she began firing arrows from a distance, and soon leapt off her horse to join the fray with her sword, a single eye burning with fire.

She actually grinned when the hobbit leader, Bandobras Took knocked the Goblin King's head off clean with a wooden club, the decapitated head then proceeding to sail a hundred yards through the air and down a rabbit hole, laughing when a hobbit near her commented, "that'd make a good game."

She spent the next week helping the hobbits with clean up and making several new friends. Little did she know, she was christened "Emerald Flame" by the hobbits during the battle and by their children, and would be told of in stories and as a legend to young hobbit children in the future.

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TA 2758

Shortly after the Battle of Greenfields, she returned to Rohan, and in TA 2758, fought with Rohan against the Dunlendings who were supported by the Corsairs of Umbar.

Wulf I was a Dunlending lord who, for a very brief time period, ruled Rohan.

Wulf was the son of Freca, who tried to force a wedding between Wulf and the daughter of the King of Rohan, Helm Hammerhand. Helm killed his father, and Wulf took charge of a Dunlending army that overran Rohan.

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