Chapter Four

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Four:

She was running up the stairs at Hogwarts, students racing down. Fighting the current, ignoring the screams and cries, she pushed through, eyes only for any death eaters, mind only focusing on finding the horcrux.

She caught sight of two familiar faces. Neville, blood streaming down the side of his head, covered in soot and scrapes... and him.

"Neville!! Are you alright?" She asked, stopping her friend. He stopped too.

"Amazing! I feel like I could spit fire! You haven't seen Susan have you?"

"Susan?" She asked, baffled. "No. I haven't, why? Is she hurt?"

"It's just... I'm mad for her! Think I should probably tell her." He took off running, shouting over his shoulder, "since we'll probably both be dead by dawn!"

She chuckled, then looked at him nervously.

Throwing caution to the wind, Neville's words resonating in her soul, she looked up at him.

"I'm so so so sorry." She gushed. "I love you. I love you so much. I, so sorry I was such an idiot. I was just..I-I just.. I love-"

She was cut off by him pulling her into his body, and smashing his lips against hers. "I know, love, I know. I love you too."

She gave him a dazzling smile, which he returned eagerly, then pulled away, stunning a death eater who was flying down the hallway. "We'll talk later!" She shouted over her shoulder as she took off running up the stairs again.

"Hey Potter!"

She turned around, looking into his eyes.

"Marry me. When all of this is over."

Her heart stopped.

Then the scene changed.

His body, cold, unseeing, broken.

She ran away, collapsing in Dumbledore's office, feeling her heart torn to shreds, her soul ripped... crying harder than she had ever cried before, screaming in agony.

Flashes of kisses, bright blue eyes, a dazzling smile, laughing until they cried, late night discussions, warm embraces, stargazing, each memory split up with the sight of his dead body.

Narvana gasped, eyes flying open at the feeling of a warm hand against her head. She looked into the eyes of Celebrían, worry alit in her bright eyes. It was dark outside, pitch black.

Her bed covers were twisted around her, tears stained her cheeks.


And the dam broke. She sobbed and sobbed, as she was pulled into a comforting embrace. She didn't see Elrond, Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir at the door, silently turning around and walking away.

She was ashamed.

Ashamed to be so weak after so long. But she couldn't help it. She knew, in her heart, that she would always love him. Always.

Celebrían rocked her foster daughter as she wept, singing softly and stroking her hair. She knew that the conversation that day had obviously brought up bad memories, and immediately decided that it must have been memories of a very close friend, or parental figure, or a godchild, or a love that caused such a pained reaction.

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