Chapter Twenty-Two

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Twenty-Two:

For a long time, Glorfindel - formerly known as Laurefindel - had been adrift. He had been lost at sea; alive, but not living; in control of his senses, but not connecting with them; content, yet not happy.

He had simply assumed that that was life; that that was what living was.

He thought it was overrated.

And then... then there was Narvana.

Narvana with her breathless laughter and dimples and admirable ferocity.

She found parts of him that he didn't even know existed, and in her, he found a love he never even believed to be real. She would forever be his 'always', even if he wasn't her's.

So when the two rushed to catch up to the Fellowship quickly, meeting them just as they were leaving the cavern of columns, Glorfindel found himself stood as close to her as possible, determined to protect her in whatever way he could.

"Narvana." Gandalf pulled her to one side, noting absently how Glorfindel hovered nearby, not taking his eyes off of her. "If worse comes to worse, I need you to get yourself and Frodo out."


"Narvana." He placed his hands atop her shoulders, silencing her. "Your duty lies with Frodo. Remember that."

She swallowed thickly, nodding.

They rushed through an archway and recommuned with the rest of the group.

"Gandalf!" Aragorn hollered.

"Lead them on, Aragorn! The bridge is near."

When Isildur's heir hesitated slightly, the wizard pursed his lips and pushed him lightly. "Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here."

Hearts in their throats, the fellowship charged down staircases until they reached a break: a great gap in the staircase, which was too wide to simply step over as they had done before. 

Legolas nimbly jumped the gap and looked expectantly at the others, Narvana following with ease.

Another deafening roar was ripped from the beast's mouth, Glorfindel paling slightly and the roof beginning to crumble.

"Gandalf!" Legolas beckoned.

Gandalf jumped over the gap to join the other two elves, just as arrows began to be fired out of the air, narrowly missing Boromir and the hobbits. The Prince of Greenwood drew his bow and began firing at the orcs and goblins, hitting the mark every time as Narvana focused on getting the others over.

Merry, Pippin and Boromir made it over safely, the man taking each hobbit under an arm and jumping with them. To their dismay, as he did so, a greater chunk of the steps they were standing on fell away, crumbling into the abyss.

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