Chapter Eleven

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Eleven:

Narvana hurriedly got changed in her room, putting her hair in two tight braids and swapping the dress for dark tunic and leggings.

She left the necklace from Glorfindel on, putting the tulip on her bedside table - thankful she managed to complete the spell.

After finishing arming herself, she grabbed her cloak and rushed out of the room and down the halls to the courtyard where Gandalf was waiting.

Elladan and Elrohir crushed her in hugs, making her promise to come home soon, to which she agreed.

She then embraced Gilraen, picking up Aragorn and swinging him around so that his laughter echoed through the valley.

Following the young family, she said goodbye to her father, and then hugged Glorfindel, promising to bring him back a toad (he glared at her for that).

Then, she and Gandalf were off, she on Taurevana and Gandalf on his own steed, charging out of Imladris and after the dwarves.

When they arrived at the Misty mountains, it was to a deep-seated feeling of foreboding. They sent their horses back to Imladris, braving the mountain, eternally grateful that the torrential downpour had eased to a light splattering.

They found the cave that the dwarves had clearly rested in, discovering that they had been captured by goblins.

Plans formed, the magical duo jumped down the hole in the floor, following after the dwarves.

They arrived to the sound of panicked cries of the goblins as the king commanded their company be killed.

Narvana, panicked, waved her hands, and a flash of light stopped all in their paths.

"Take up arms! Fight!" Gandalf commanded.

Narvana swung her sword, fire dancing in her eyes as she tried to account for all of the company, but there was too much movement.

She brought up the rear as they followed Gandalf across rickety bridges, hoping that they had not lost anyone.

Goblins chased them through the cavernous caves, far too many to take on at once, though they did their best.

They jumped across bridges at death-defying speeds and heights, making use of innate creativity to dispatch of goblins.

It was not long before the goblin king had them cornered once more.

"You thought you could escape me?" It (he?) taunted, chin fat wobbling.

It pushed Gandalf back, the wizard caught by five dwarves who steadied him.

Narvana stepped to the front, sword raised as fire burned in her eyes.

"What are you going to do little elf?"

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