Chapter Twenty-Three

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Twenty-Three:

The power of love bestows responsibilities, but not rights. Those in love have no right to their partner's heart, but are blessed to love them with their own. They have no right to the other's time, but are honoured to share moments. It is for one to do what is best for the other, and not seek fulfillment of selfish desires at the expense of their partner's wellbeing. It is for one to seek what would make the other happy, what would be best for their soul.

Love is a big deal.

It is powerful in both its nurturing and destructive capabilities - not something to be taken lightly.

Glorfindel was still reeling from his discovery. He needed to make peace with it, he needed to observe and understand it's depth.

Only once he had gotten over it's novelty could he inflict his feelings upon Narvana.

She deserved better than that.

He would tell her eventually, but he needed to make sure that he was comfortable with the new revelation, and that he wasn't bound to definitely get his heart broken.

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It seemed, however, that deciding and doing something were two completely different things.

Sat in Celebrían's garden in Lórien, a day after arriving, Glorfindel seemed to disregard what he had decided the previous night.

"Have you ever been in love before, Narvana?" Glorfindel asked curiously.

Where her face once would've been filled with pain, her eyes filled with nostalgic fondness. "Once."

He nodded, breathing in as if preparing himself. "Can I ask you what it felt like? How did you know?"

She met his eyes with a teasing smile. "Is our famed Balrog-Slayer falling for someone?"

He chuckled nervously, and she took pity on him.

The soft melody of the breeze tenderly caressed her cheek, blowing her hair across her face.

"Falling in love feels like... drowning. But also simultaneously breathing clearer air than ever before. Every look, every thought of your partner sets your skin and heart aflame. It's a force so powerful that it ignites your soul with a magic greater than anything ever seen. It's powerful, it's scary, but it's also so worth it." She met his eyes. "I loved a man once, and he died, but I do not regret it, for I would not change those good times for anything. Now he is a memory, a force to power spells and give me something to fight for. But if I may give you some advice,"

She grabbed his hand and he felt his soul ignite.

"There are many who have loved and lost, and never loved again. There are many who have lived without love. I believe that you would be doing them a disservice if you did not seize the moment, if you ignored your love. These moments don't last forever... cherish them."

And in that moment, Glorfindel wanted nothing more than to lean in and capture his lips with hers, to see if they were as soft and sweet as he imagined, as if they would set his skin aflame as her hand on his was.

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