"proactively defensive"

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Lana's POV

"You know when we order takeaway?" She starts, I look at her

"Mmh?" I sit back a little. She makes me comfortable.

"It irritates me that you don't let me pay"

"Grow up" I roll my eyes, she kinda gasps and the giggles

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means stop being such a baby" I smile "I don't know it's kinda symbolic to us.. Money means nothing. We both have money and we're still sad."

"Well even so I'd still like to treat you to things" she sits a little closer

"Being with you's enough." I listen to how gay I sound and scoff "god you're turning me into some emotional... sappy.. little bitch"

"I don't at all think you're a little bitch, Lizzy. In fact I think you're the opposite. You're too strong for your own good" she smirks, knowing she's winding me up. I narrow my eyes at her to express how she's irritating me, it makes her laugh which I love.

"I'm proactively defensive. But I'm kind of a shitty defender nowadays.. I mean, here you are sat in my room with me on my bed after I bought you dinner and introduced you to my parents."

"I don't think letting one person in can be all that bad. I'm not an attacker, in fact, I can help you defend." She tries to appeal, I smile

"And why would you do that?"

"I like to help you. Not to mention I'd die of jealousy if you let anyone other than me near you."

"Would you get more jealous of a girl or a boy?"

"Girl, one hundred percent. Girls are so individual, and I'd hope that maybe that'd be my saving factor as well: you can't find anyone else like me.. Whereas straight boys, they just have one stereotype after another to live up to. They're not real, but by no fault of their own."

"I don't think I could kiss any other girl than you.. And it's been years since I felt any attraction for men.. I don't know"

"You're that attracted to me?" She asks, seriously and not joking

"I am." I almost choke as I say it. Not physically, I say it just fine. But mentally it was hard to spit out.

"I haven't felt such strong attraction for anyone other than you in a long time now." She hesitates "I don't think I've ever wanted anyone this badly before."

"Wanted.." I repeat "don't you already have me? I mean.. we kiss, spend time together, I don't wanna kick you out when you make sex jokes anymore.." I make her smile

"Then I suppose the term 'never enough' applies" she lays her hand on my forearm. I look at her hand.. I like how she feels. Warm. Soft.. Light. "I'm sorry, would you like me to stop?"

"No I.. I like when you touch me." I look into her eyes. Eye contact with her doesn't feel as terrifying as eye contact with other people. "You make me go soft"

"As oppose to?" She kinda smiles

"Well you know.. strong and stuff" I say, trying to seem casual and not as vulnerable as I'm feeling.

"You're both. I don't think that it's an either or kind of thing.. And if it was, I think you'd change that for me" she softly trails her fingers up and down my forearm.. It's strangely hot.

I must sound crazy. She's just showing me affection, how is this enough to turn me on?

"I change a lot of things for you" i admit, she smiles

"I know you do.. Your tone, your sexuality, your identity.." she gets close to me, it's cute so I smile "I appreciate it a lot. I hope that you know that"

"I gather" I shrug a little, she gives me this indescribably cute look. "What?"

"Nothing I just... really like being with you. You don't feel like anyone else." She watches me for some reaction, maybe affirmation. I don't keep her guessing. It feels unfair.

"I like being with you too.. It feels so fresh, and alive. I've never felt anything so real.. Even with your sister, and using our real names. It just makes it real, and you're kind of addictive."

"Only kind of?" She smirks, I roll my eyes at her

"Shut up you know how addictive you are.. I barely wait ten minutes to text you after I leave"

"I like that you text me so promptly, it makes me feel appreciated" she kisses my cheek. She does that when she feels sorry for me I think. For reassurance. "And your lips really are so pretty.."

"Mine are just big, yours are shaped literally perfectly" I look at her lips.. her top lip has such a pretty curve... and her bottom lip is perfect to bite.. She makes me miss kissing her.

She looks at me to say something else, I just shake my head a little then kiss her. I think she thinks I'm being a little pathetic because I can feel her smiling a tiny bit. But I don't stop kissing her. I've been waiting pretty much all day.

She always kisses so well, it's an art form. She's so gentle and delicate and makes me take control, which is so so hot.. I wanna touch her and feel her body, but the position doesn't allow for that.

I put up with it a little longer then pull away. She looks at me confused

"This positions pissing me off.." I bite my lip, she gently places herself on my lap and holds my neck. Feeling her on me turns me on. She's so warm, and smells so good, and I just wanna fucking devour her..

"Better?" She asks with a smile

"Yeah totally" I kiss her straight away. I like not wasting any time when it comes to kissing her... I wonder what else we're going to do.. I pull away kind of quickly. "wait what're we gonna.."

"You tell me.." she kisses my neck

I exhale shakily.. Oh my god. She feels so good, so teasing. I close my eyes and let her kiss more. She nips me a little with her teeth, which is incredibly hot but kind of startling

"Fuck.." I mumble

"I presume that wasn't your answer" she giggles on my skin

"What?" I think about it "oh fuck you.." I bite my lip whilst she kisses along my jawline. I'm so sensitive that I'm trying so hard not to make any noise.. "not a bad idea though.." I admit, glad my eyes are closed in case she reacts in any way I don't want her to.

"As long as you confirm that you won't ignore me for the rest of your life" she stops kissing so I open my eyes, she lays her hand on my cheek

"Of course I won't"

"I don't know, you were rather cold after we kissed for the first time.." she reminds me

"I've kinda accepted I'm into you now though. Back then I didn't wanna come to terms with the fact that I'm a girl who likes a girl." I explain, she smirks

"You've only kind of accepted you're into me? I'm sat on your lap whilst we make out on your bed, I don't think you could be any more into me" she teases, I kinda laugh

"Let me prove you wrong.."


railing time The sex stuff will be all contained in the next part so you can skip it if you want, but I am aware that some of u guys (like me) only read for the juicy and smutty content so, whatever floats your boat lol

Sorry this was short. The next part may be very long, like I say it's just so it can be skipped over

Love u guys xoxo

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