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Marina's POV

"So you said it?" Laf asks, through my bedroom door

"No we didn't say it, but yes we did" I explain, putting on my new red dress to show her. I bought it yesterday when I was shopping with Lizzy.

She's all I've been thinking about. She has been for the past however many months we've been together-ish, but she especially has been all I've been thinking about for the past twenty four hours.

We said it. And it wasn't scary.


"It was clear. I said I wasn't gonna say it, but that I do love her.." I pull the skirt bit of my dress down.. I look good.

"So you did say it? You said the word."

"No, you have to pay attention Laf.." I mumble, kind of hoping she doesn't hear. She doesn't like when I'm mean, and neither do I.

"I am paying attention, it just seems difficult to understand" she says, I open the door to show her. She smiles "beautiful"

"You like it?" I ask

"Yeah I do, I always like seeing you in colours other than pink and white."

"Don't be mean about Electra.. she was very important" I tell her, she just nods a bit. She's never understood my concerns and struggles with identity. "Do you think it fits my boobs well?" I ask her, she nods

"Yeah, I imagine it's hard to shop with boobs that huge." She says bluntly, making me roll my eyes. "What?"

"You're so blunt."

"Why shouldn't I be? We're sisters. Also you should ask Lizzy instead of me" she jokes

"I did yesterday. I think her answer was yes." I say, looking at myself in the mirror.

" 'You think', why only think?"

"Well to give me her answer I didn't stay in the dress very long" I kinda laugh at my own joke, she gives me a look of disapproval.

"You shouldn't tell me these things"

"Why not? I like that we're open" I tell her, going back into my room to undress.

"Me too but... in public, Marina?"

"What about it?" I smile.. I know she gets uncomfortable talking to me about sex. It's funny.

"It's just very.. inappropriate, isn't it?"

"I found it very appropriate, and she must have too to do what she did." I pause "but you think I look nice?"

"Yes. Very nice."

"Good.." I change into a more casual outfit, one I don't have to wear heels with.

"I don't even know how girls do it" I hear her say. I often forget how inexperienced she is because she's only really the same age as me.

"How come?"

"No one tells you these things.."... I debate asking her whether or not she's ever watched porn, but I decide it's probably not something I want to know the answer to.

"It doesn't take a genius really, Laf.." I put on my favourite hoodie. It actually belongs to Jess but she lets me borrow it. It's grey and comfortable. It doesn't smell of her anymore because I've had it so long, which kind of sucks but I'm still grateful for her clothes.

"Doesn't it?"

"No. Mouth, hands, what more do you need?" I open the door, she's giving me another disapproving look "Would you please stop that? You look like mum. Anyway, I'm going to go to Lizzy's, I'll be back later today I think. I can't foresee me staying over."

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