steal me with a kiss

472 18 13

Marina's POV

(A week after the last couple parts)

"Hey" I hear Lafina as I walk through the door

"Hey" I smile "you okay?"

"Yeah.. do you think I take good care of you?" She asks, coming into the living room.

"Of course I do" I frown "why wouldn't I?"

"I want to be able to give you everything you'd have if mum and dad were... better than they are" she kinda holds my shoulders. I just hug her tight.

I love her so much. She wants everything for me. She's only a little older than me but she truly sees herself as my caregiver. Even though I'm old enough to be my own caregiver.

"I love you" I mumble into her shoulder

"I love you too Marina. I'm glad we have each other" she pulls away. She isn't one for physical affection. "Anyway.. I've been seeing you with a girl recently. Care to talk?" She smiles, taking a seat. I feel myself blush a little

"Gosh that's bold of you.." I sit down too, opposite her

"I already know you're bi, marina.." she chuckles, I smile, a little embarrassed. I don't like talking to her about my sexuality. It isn't that she's unsupportive, because believe me she is.. I just don't want her thinking about me doing things like that. It's odd.

"Which girl? Is she one of my friends?" I ask

"I presume so if you're hanging around with her, but she hasn't been your friend for long I don't think"

"Pretty, pale, long reddish dark brown hair, green eyes, cute chin, perfect nose, perfect teeth-" I start to list

"So more than just a friend?" She laughs "that's sweet. How long have you been... whatever, with her?"

"I couldn't say.. so long but so short, it feels." I bite my lip a second in thought "we aren't anything, she insists she's straight yet does her fair share of flirting with me." ..... "what do you think?"

"I think that she's just afraid. There must have been a time you didn't want to accept that your entire identity was going to change, right?"

"I think I'd always felt it.. obviously it isn't the same for everyone.. but it seems more difficult for Lana than others"

"Pretty name" she compliments, I nod. I am a little irritated she isn't giving me more of an answer as to why Lana isn't into me. "Kinda too perfect. Lana Del Rey. A legend around school"

"What're you getting at?" I ask. I don't like that she's talking about Lana in this tone.

"You tell me, Electra" she mocks, I roll my eyes

"Oh come on, as if she uses a fake name"

"Well why do you?"

"I find it easier to act if I have a character"

"And Lana.. is everything perfect in her life?"

"Not really.." .. "you really think she uses a fake name?" I ask, she smiles

"Well it's nothing you haven't done." She pauses "but about her being into you or not.. you're just gonna have to respect her and let her take her time. I guarantee you she feels it too"

"Feels the lesbianism?" I joke, she laughs

"Yes that." She stands up "I'll go and make dinner. Chicken nuggets and chips?" She asks, I smile and nod "excellent. And remember, if she stays over, don't let me see or hear anything I shouldn't" she walks out and leaves me to cringe.

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