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Marina's POV

Strangely enough, she doesn't hate me. She hasn't been cold or distant with me. She hasn't been any different to how she was before we had sex. It makes me glad.

"Gosh I have so many hickeys.. And nothing to cover them with" I complain, she smiles "don't be so proud.."

"Maybe just don't cover them ever and let everyone know you're mine?" She suggests, I enjoy hearing her tell me I'm hers.

"And what would Lafina think?"

"I think she'd be cool about it actually.. and who knows maybe when you go home she'll be doing bedroom activities of her own with the guy she's seeing" she teases, knowing I don't wanna think about my sister like that. I make a face and cringe "I'm sorry"

"I didn't think she was sexually active, that's all"

"She mustn't be if she's still satisfied by men" she jokes, I smile. I feel so glad I've made her feel better than anyone before. I must have, because she's only ever slept with men before. "Do you wanna go smoke?" She asks, I make a noise of false consideration to let her down gently "you're telling me that sex doesn't make you wanna smoke?"

"I am. I could easily live without" I admit, she just kinda scowls at me. I smile "alright, whilst you're mad at me I'll say this too, I wish you wouldn't smoke"


"Lungs" I pussy out of making a strong point so give a slight shrug to take away from the sincerity of it. She rolls her eyes

"Oh please what is this, some stupid teen romance drama between the good girl and the rebel?" she pauses "oh I'm sorry, should I not say 'good girl'? Does it make you feel any type of way? Do I make you-"

"Gosh Lizzy, if I knew you were going to be this annoying I'd have just forced myself to smoke with you" I joke, she smiles a little, satisfied

"It's cool. I don't wanna put a shirt on anyway, I'll just vape for now" she takes her vape from her dresser. It's pretty, it's white with gold around the edges. I think it's expensive because it doesn't look like the average vape. She looks good using it though, and I'm glad that it's safer.

"How do your lungs feel?" I tease, she just blows her vape in my face "that did nothing but turn me on"

"Shut up Marina.."

I secretly love when she's kind of mean. It reminds me of when she used to pretend she didn't like me, and I could tease her covertly.

"Will you talk to me about your tattoos?" I ask "I only thought you had the hand ones, which I absolutely love by the way"

"Yeah sure so I have the hand and finger ones, but I have names all over me really.. I have the collarbone ones you found, names of women I like to pay tribute to. And I have my favourite authors on my right arm, and Chateau Marmont on my left.. I just think it's a really beautiful place so.. yeah" she does that thing where she downplays her passion but I still see it.

I take her arms and look at them, gently turning her arm over.. I'm surprised she's letting me. This is the exact type of thing she hates; slow and quiet slightly intimate moments.

"How haven't I seen these before?" I break the silence so she doesn't feel awkward

"I like wearing jackets" she takes her arms from me.

"It's good that you look so delicious in them then" I compliment her, she makes an irritated face

"Stop, don't compliment me"

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