"love and lust"

561 21 19

Marina's POV

"Hey let me ask something.." Lizzy mumbles, propping herself up a little on her elbows.

It's uncommonly hot today and we're in my garden together. Sunbathing, almost. Except we aren't sunbathing, because that'd be too antisocial and would be a waste of our time together.

She looks absolutely incredible by the way, she's wearing some short denim shorts and one of my favourite tops of hers. I look cute too, I'm in a white sundress.

"Go ahead" I look at her. She's sideways to me, I'm laid down and she's just next to me.

"Do you think about the future?" She asks, rather seriously

"What sort of a question is that.." I smile "I don't know anyone who doesn't think about the future"

"I guess you're right.. some are more quiet about it than others though." She slides her sunglasses over her eyes and lays back down "I don't know what I wanna be"

"Me neither.. I want to do psychology at university, but that's the only direction I have"

"No way.. I thought you'd be a singer" she says casually, I look at her confused

"Why on earth would I do that?"

"You and your lyrics are like, insanely good"

"I'm good? How do you know that?" I ask, sitting up, she smiles

"You sing all the time.." .....

"No I don't"

"Maybe not consciously. But you do, and you're good. You shouldn't limit yourself"

"Now I feel embarrassed" I say, she laughs

"Don't feel embarrassed, I'm saying you're really good."

"Well even if I did want to be a singer, I think it'd give Lafina a heart attack to learn I wouldn't be in a stable career."

"You know what though, you just gotta do these things. Cuz what's the worst that can happen?" She seems strangely passionate about this. I like when she gives me advice, she doesn't often but when she does it's always very valuable.

"Rejection, embarrassment.. everything along them lines."

"Yeah but imagine if it became something" she pauses "I wanna smoke"

"Must you?" I ask, she sits up

"I must" she mocks my word choice "I can't tell you how much I've cut down. And I can't tell you how much I've wanted to all day"

"Sounds as though you have an addiction" I kiss her shoulder then adjust my position "it's good that you've cut down though"

"It is.. and I don't think I'd want to half as much if I wasn't enjoying right now"

"Expand" I watch her take out her cigarettes. She barely ever smokes in front of me anymore. It makes me think that she maybe feels guilty, and takes my stance on her smoking to heart.

"Mmh you know, it's hot, I'm with you, it feels lazy and heavy.. I think I cigarette would just hit different." She puts it between her lips and lights it. She takes a deep inhale then kinda groans as she breathes out "it totally does.."

"At least you look good doing it.. I'm going to get a drink, what would you like?" I ask her, she bites her lip and thinks a second

"What're you having?"

"Probably a Pepsi"

"Can I get the same?" She asks, raising her eyebrows a little to ask nicely. I smile

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