Smudged Lipstick

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Marina's POV

Elizabeth Grant.. stunning. The real her. Who she's been hiding all along, only letting slip through when she's the most comfortable around me.

Flickers of her true identity, on and off like a broken neon sign. I like the neon sign better broken, to me it's more real than the show put on. This applies to Lana, and how she's completely irresistible to me as Lizzy..

I'm surprised that she created a new character just as I did, and even more surprised Lafina guessed she did. I had no idea. I thought I was the only crazy person in the world to change my name to escape myself.

Currently we're in Maths class, exchanging little nervous glances and awkward smiles. It's so precious. She's the other side of the room to me, with her friends. Today she's wearing a cute racer jacket and some jeans. She always looks so so good. So cool.

To everyone else, she's Lana. Tough, beautiful, kind of a bad girl.. But to me, she's Lizzy. Even more beautiful, sensitive, sweet.. A genius with words.

And with her I'm Marina. Not Electra, not a character whose personality is the colour pink, not someone who's high maintenance and extra.. no. I'm me again. I'm not afraid to be me around her.

We're both vulnerable. It's kind of a turn on..

"Electra" my friend Jess gets my attention, I look at her "finally.. I've been calling you for like ten seconds now"

"Must've been impossibly long to wait.." I mumble sarcastically, she just smiles. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking."

"It's fine.. hey I heard that Blake kissed Lana"

"I did too" I get pangs of jealousy. I know I know, it was Lana's pitiful way of trying to prove and reaffirm her heterosexuality, but still.. Should've been me.

"Are you still into her?" She asks, I nod

"Of course.. I think she's perfect." I pause. I shouldn't give us away. "such a shame she has to be straight"

"Absolutely.. I bet she's so sensual, and I bet her lips are soft." Jess half fantasises. She's fully gay by the way, no hiding it.

I'm half offended she's talking about my Lizzy like that, but half want her to carry on so I can fantasise too.. Like I don't enough.

"Yeah and she smells so good it should be against the law.."

"You get that close to her?" She asks, eyes wide with jealousy. I laugh a little

"I sit next to her in English.." and she kissed me two weeks ago, and we sit very close to each other and pretend we aren't moving closer and closer.

"You get the feeling?" She asks, I make a confused face "you know.. when you're sat next to someone hot, and your legs touch theirs, and you get that achey feeling..?" She says, I can tell she wants to laugh awkwardly. I recognise the smile she's doing.

"Oh.. 'the feeling'.." I smile "yeah she gives me that but I feel guilty for feeling like that in a classroom.."

"Well you better hope she turns gay because there's a lot you can get away with under a table."

Again, internal conflict. I half want to cringe, I half want to imagine what that'd be like with her..

"And how would you know?" I decide to tease Jess instead. I shouldn't get turned on now, especially not by my friends words even though they prompt me to think of Lizzy in such good ways..

"You know.." she giggles, I smile

"That's gross.."


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