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Marina's POV

She kisses me roughly on her bed. It's hot knowing how vulnerably hers I am right now; in her house, in her room, on her bed, with her on top of me. It's very hot.

"Give me your hands, baby" she pulls away. I immediately comply. "good girl" she tells me, pining my wrists above my head, holding them down with just one of her hands. "Perfect.." she kisses me again and uses her other hand to hold my neck.

Add the neck holding and wrist pinning to the list of how I'm vulnerably hers.

As we go on the kissing softens so that isn't as rough but just as deep. We carry on until she signs off by biting my lip and takes her hand from my neck

"Don't move your hands, got it?" She asks, I nod "good.." she kisses my lips again but it doesn't last long. Then she tests out whether or not I'll move by slowly removing her hand from my wrists. I stay perfectly still, she smirks "Aren't you so good for me?"

"I do make an effort to be" I admit, watching her sit up on my hips.. "what're you.." I just watch as she takes off her shirt "oh".

Her body truly is mouthwatering. Her tattoos are so pretty, as well. And she always wears the sexiest underwear.

"You're so-" I start, but she covers my mouth with her hand.

"Nu uh.. Compliment me and I'll kill you" she gets back on top of me. I lick her hand so that she takes it away "why'd you do that.." she wipes her hand on me, I giggle

"Because I can." I make her smile

"I don't know about that.." she makes me shiver a little bit. Her telling me what I can and can't do always drives me crazy "Can I undress you baby?"

"Of course" I answer obediently, my hands still above my head

"Good girl.." she kisses me until she needs to take my shirt over my head. She takes it completely off for me. "Ugh look at your body.. you're so beautiful" she kinda grabs my cheeks and kisses me.

I like when she's intense like this, I can tell she's really feeling herself. She rarely holds back nowadays, making her such a good top.

"You should touch me" I tell her. She holds eye contact with me, her gaze briefly drops to my boobs, but soon returns to my eyes

"You mean touch.. or touch touch?" She asks, making me hang on her every word... I didn't used to be this much of a sub. She's softened me just as I've softened her.

"Either" I say, she nods a little

"I wanna take my time on you.." she starts kissing down my neck to my boobs, making me tilt my head back for her. She moves down my body but only a little bit, her face still close to mine. I feel her hands on my waist and kind of shiver. "What was that for?" She smirks, I smile

"I think I'm just excited.."

"That's cute." She kisses my lips "this is okay right?"

"More than"

"Tell me if it isn't.." she enforces, I nod "okay.." she makes eye contact with me but then breaks it to look at my boobs. Then she starts to softly kiss them. Her kisses are so light I'm pretty much aching for her to give me more.

"Ugh come on, ruin me.." I urge, she glances up at me for a second then carries on

"Marina shut up, you know how good I can fuck you..." I can feel how wet she's getting me

"I do and that's why I want it now" I kind of whine. I know I'm pushing her, which is what makes it so exciting.

"Stop complaining before I put your mouth to better use." She makes me groan a little in arousal "good girl. Now can I take off your bra?"

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