"Light experimentation"

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still Marina's POV

The kissing feels good, like I needed her.. I think about her the entire time, and I've never kissed anyone as good as she is at kissing. It's probably because she's such a sexy person; she looks sexy, she talks sexily, she looks at me sexily.. she makes me feel on fire.

I let my thumb rub her hipbone softly, she 'mmh's and then bites my lip and pulls away.

"You know since you're so good at makeup, you won't mind hickeys.." she tells me, moving down to my neck

"We really should stop wearing lipstick.. it gets everywhere.." I tilt my neck ready for her to kiss me, she smirks

"I agree.. I can also leave more permanent marks on you.." she leans down and kisses my neck, I bite my lip. I'm sensitive as fuck for Lizzy. I could die of pleasure just from this.

"God.." I play with her hair whilst she sucks. She goes gently and it prickles a little. "you're lucky I'm letting you do this, covering hickeys is so much effort.." I half complain, she sucks just under my ear and I whimper a little.

"Sounds like you're the lucky one.." she mumbles on my skin then kisses me more. I fight back a moan. I don't want to give her the satisfaction, even though it'd be extremely hot.

I feel her suck on me a little hard than before, on the right side of my neck about two inches below my jaw. It gives me that shivery feeling, where your skin feels hot but cold at the same time.

"L.. Oh my god.." I exhale

"You're being a total virgin right now huh.." she kisses my lips "it's hot"

"You just feel like nobody else.." I admit, she kinda smirks "don't be so proud"

"Why not?"

"Because you're straight remember?" I tease, she rolls her eyes and kisses me. It's intoxicating and asserts her dominance. A kiss to tell me to shut up. It only last a few seconds too, but when she pulls away she keeps my bottom lip between her teeth

"I'm not gay" she kisses me again to finish her sentence. It's effective. When she pulls away, she gently takes my chin and makes me turn my head to the side so she can admire her work. My heart beats fast. "beautiful.. Clearly mine. Not Stella's." She gets off me. I groan

"Carry on" I whine. She just ignores me and looks at her lipstick smudged face in the mirror. I want her so bad.

"What'd you even do to Stella anyway?" She asks, taking one of my makeup removal wipes to clean herself up.

"Why should I tell you.." I ask quietly, sitting up. I'm uncomfortably wet. Ugh I'd fucking kill to do to her what I did to Stella. And more.. Far more.

"Because we're friends" she says, looking at me in my mirror as she wipes around her mouth "I won't tell anybody, just like you won't tell anybody my secrets."

"Your secrets? Am I even aware of any?" I ask, not really knowing how she'll take it. The uncertainty excites me.

"The sexuality thing" she says, rather neutrally. I want to complain that she isn't fucking me, but I doubt it'd get me anywhere.

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