"a little bit tipsy"

409 16 3

Lana's POV

'Electra: im anhdkahdkasks'
'Electra: lol'
'Electra: drunk lol'

I can't not smile a little. She's drunk and it's cute.

'Me: are you alright though?'

'Electra: can't get to bed skskdk'
'Electra: gonna slep on floor'

I mean.... I can't let her sleep on the floor.. and she might not be safe..

'Me: are you alone?'

'Electra: yupppp'
'Electra: u gonna cum over?'
'Electra: lol cum'

I need to check she's okay I think.. fuck it.

'Me: alright I'm gonna check that you're
          okay, I'll come over rn.'

'Electra: rlly?'

'Me: yeah, stay out of trouble in the

'Electra: fineeeee'

I throw on my leggings, a cute shirt and my coat and get into my car. I drive to Electra's quickly, wondering what state I'll find her in when I get to her. The roads were quiet because it's late. This time of year means that it gets dark early, so is felt late since 6ish.

Anyways. I get out of my car and knock on her door.

"Enter" I hear her giggle, I smile a little and go inside.

It might be a long night.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I shut the door behind me, not yet seeing her.

"I'm just a little bit tipsy" I hear her pretty voice and follow where her voice is coming from. The house looks so much different to that night she had the party, I guess you don't recognise places when they were once you've seen them filled with drunk grinding teens.

I push a pastel pink painted door open, just knowing it's her bedroom. She smiles and gives a sweet wave.

"Lana... I'm very drunk." She half admits, I try not to smile.

"Oh I can tell. How much have you had?" I ask, she pouts whilst she thinks. Then she holds her index fingers about seven inches apart. "Ah" I humour her. She nods


"Why were you drinking?" I sit on her bed next to her. She moves a little closer. She's closer than I'd admit I like.

"Yesterday needed to be forgotten."

"What happened?" I find myself pushing "you don't have to tell me"

"Lana Del Rey being empathetic? I didn't think I'd ever see this" she chuckles, I roll my eyes. "I did a silly thing yesterday. I was with a boy"

"Trust me, I've done many silly things like that."

"I did a silly boy"

"You 'did' him?" I can't not laugh

"Don't laugh I think he likes me now, and he's sweet but I don't actually like dick."

Hearing her accent say a naughty word feels strange, but I certainly like hearing that she's not particularly into guys.

"Oh really?"

"Yep." She pauses "I want to drink more"

"Why don't we stop drinking and maybe settle down?" I suggest. She shakes her head.

"Let's get drunk and be terrifyingly honest with each other."


THIS IS SO EMBARRASSINGLY SHORT. I will update but I just wanted to get a quick lil part out to convince yall im not dead etc

(Lol I'm back here in 2020 and its been a while. No one probably cares that I left, but still. Tell me hyd <3)

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