Escape Room

448 20 12

Lana's POV

We sit there awkwardly. It's only awkward for me and Marina, not awkward between us because I'm sure we both just wanna get back into it. It's awkward because we don't know how to act with Lafina here.

The conversation is good and flows because we're all the same age, Lafina's only a year older. She's kind and I can tell she's genuinely interested in what I have to say, which I really like.. But still, I'm uncomfortably wet for her sister.

And the pizza's good. I didn't know when I was going to eat but I know for sure I prioritise seeing Marina to eating. So doing both in one is a huge win.

"You girls met in English, I've heard?" Lafina asks, I look to Marina

"Well kind of, kind of not" she says, Lafina looks confused

"We only really started to talk to each other in English" I say, Marina nods and makes an 'mmh' noise.

"Yeah we weren't always friends.." she does a cute smirk, I smile a little. She makes me feel kinda embarrassed.

"Why not?" Lafina smiles, perhaps looking for some drama. Maybe that's the type of girl she is.

"Too perfect" I say, it gets me a certain look from Marina. One that I really like. It's kind of a sexy look, playfully telling me to shut up.

"Yeah she does kind of seem.." Lafina begins then trails off. I know she's referring to the Electra character. I feel like I want to tell her that I know, so that the conversation isn't awkward.

"She knows, Laf. Don't worry" Marina tells her, she smiles and nods a little

"I was worried I'd spoken out of term."

They're both very well spoken. And their British accents just increase their formality. I really like it. Lafina has a pretty voice like Marina does, but to me, Marina is far prettier in general. And all I want to do is kiss her again.. but that'd make Lafina feel weird I guess, so it's best that I don't. Not right now, at least.

"No I did the same weird thing anyway" I say, snapping out of my thoughts. Marina raises her brows a little, probably surprised that I've told someone other than her.. I wonder if I'm making her jealous?

I don't intend to. The only reason I'm telling her is so that Marina can call me Lizzy whenever we're together at her place, in front of Lafina or not.

"Your names not Lana?" She asks, I shake my head a little

"Nu uh.. My real name's Lizzy." I sip my drink. They have nice lemonade. It's pink and tastes a bit like raspberry, so I presume it's raspberry lemonade. Personally, I think a blue lemonade would have been far cooler, but, the color pink is not at all out of place in this house.

"Cute" Lafina smiles, I kinda smile awkwardly

"Yeah but don't tell anyone"

"Wouldn't dream of it. By the way, I don't know if Marina has said or not, but you're welcome to come sleep here any time you want" Lafina tells me..

I wonder how sleeping over would be.. I sometimes think about it, and I've come to the conclusion that I certainly wouldn't know how to act. I'd be awkward, I think. Not just with the sex stuff, but with the other little things.. like getting changed together. That'd really throw me, I'd be torn between staring at her and being so awkward I couldn't even look at her, let alone stare.

But I think maybe I'd be good at the sex stuff.. awkward but good. Because I know how much I wanna make her feel good, and that's pretty much all sex is.. but with a girl... maybe that'd be difficult.

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