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Lizzy's POV

"You have some nerve showing up to my house like this.." she folds her arms, I smile and just go in

"I'm sorry I just thought it was funny. And I was just getting even with you for turning me on" I shut the door for us

"You tried to damage my perfect school record" she narrows her eyes at me

"Well you damaged my all-male body count but I forgive you" I joke, she smirks

"Whatever.. what were you going to say to me before she stopped you?"

"Probably something mean.." It occurs to me how pretty she is "hey is your sister in?"

"Nope. Out doing the food shop."

"Huh? Oh groceries" I correct, she rolls her eyes a little

"That is so American.. Why'd you ask if she was out?" She asks, already knowing the answer. I can tell from the look she gives me. I look at her a certain way and make her giggle

"Wow it's as easy as that to evoke that reaction?" I smile and pull her into me by her waist "you're so pretty.." I kiss her

"Why're you being so nice?" She kisses my nose, I don't flinch. I just let her. "Oh my god you've changed, what happened?" She asks, genuinely confused

"Nothing, don't push it. But I did learn something juicy today"

"Go for it" she smiles. I think she likes gossip, she loves it whenever I tell her my friends secrets.... not bad secrets, just embarrassing ones it wouldn't do her harm to know.

"Ashley and Alex hook up all the time"

"Even I could've told you that. The way Alex always presses up against Ashley, and plays with her hair.. are you blind?"

"I just thought she was comfortably straight" I raise my shoulders, she smiles

"Comfortably straight in the fashion you are?" She teases, I give a fake laugh

"Guess so.. But basically she knows about us and I know about her and Alex."

"Really?" She asks, I nod "how do you feel about that? That must be a lot" she holds the side of my face

"It's... I don't know, it's just Ashley. And I have worse on her, and she does take good care of me."

"Yeah I'm surprised you didn't find out she was gay first hand" she adds with a tone of jealousy, I smile

"Come on as if I'd do anything with any other girl than you.." I kiss her again "ugh I want you so bad" I mumble, she opens her mouth a little

"Oh my god don't talk like that.."

"What time does your sister get back?" I ask, making me more dominant in speech than her by asking a question

"Could be any second now or an hour from now, but I'm on my period and my stomach hurts quite a bit."

"Oh my god I forgot we both have those" I sigh.. I wanna kiss her so bad

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