First Flight

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Ingrid's POV

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Ingrid's POV

The four of us were flying through the air. This was our first flight test to see if Toothless's tailfin works. I was holding the cheat sheet to tell him which positions he should use. He studied them really hard last night so things should go smoothly without incident.

"Okay, Toothless. Let's take this nice and slow. Ingrid, read out the positions," Hiccup announced.

"Alright," I said. I looked down at the cheat sheet figuring out which position is best. "Position...three. No, four," I told him.

"Wait, what was it again? Position three?" Hiccup asked.

"No, four. I said four," I corrected.

"Okay," Hiccup moved his stirrup to position four. The tailfin opened up making Toothless take a smooth turn. Then the tailfin moved up and down which scared us a little. "Alright, it's go time. It's go time," Hiccup repeated to himself.

"Everything okay?" I asked him.

"It's fine! We're going done now," he announces. We started to dive down towards the sea stacks. We started to fly under one of the sea stacks that looked like an arch. I looked to see several birds flying above us. "Yes it worked," Hiccup cheered. Then Hiccup turned Toothless making them hit a sea stack. "Sorry!" Hiccup turned Toothless the other way and they hit another sea stack. "That's my fault," Hiccup said then Toothless slapped him with his ear. "Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Ingrid, I'm doing position four," Hiccup announced which confused me.

"Hiccup, you're already in position four," I corrected him.

"Oh, right. Three. I meant to say position four," Hiccup stated.

"I think the air altitude is getting to you," I commented.

The dragons started to fly up as high as we could. We flew so high we could practically see the whole island. I think it was at this moment what we were doing. We were flying on two dragons in the air. I don't think I've ever felt this free or alive before in my or our lives. We've been told our whole lives that dragons were killing machines and they were monsters. And yet here we are, riding two dragons flying high in the sky. The wind blowing through our hair and clothes.

"Yeah! Go, baby! Yes, oh, the wind in my...," Hiccup yelled. Before he could finish, the wind blew away the cheat sheet from my saddle. "CHEAT SHEET," I screamed as I tried to grab the paper. Hiccup heard my scream and flew over to help me. He managed to grab the paper, but in the process, he unhooked himself from his saddle. Hiccup and Toothless looked at each other then started to fall. "Hiccup! Toothless!" I yelled. Nightlily started to fly towards the two.

"OH, GOSH! OH, GODS! OH, NO," Hiccup yelled.

"Toothless, you're gonna have to angel yourself," I ordered but he was struggling to fly over to Hiccup.

"OKAY, NO, NO, NO! COME BACK DOWN TOWARDS ME! COME BACK," Hiccup stated but was interrupted by Toothless whacking him in the face. My heart started racing as he got closer to the ground. Luckily, Hiccup managed to hook himself back onto Toothless. Nightlily and Toothless dove down into a fog back where I could see the tops of sea stacks. Hiccup took the cheat sheet out of his mouth and looked at me. I nodded my head and he let go of the cheat sheet.

We leaned forward and the dragons zipped through the sea stacks without hitting any of them. When we were out of the fog, I was shocked that we managed to avoid all of those sea stacks. I was so high on adrenaline that I could yell out. And that's what Hiccup and I did.


Then Toothless and Nightlily fired a blast that creat a big firewall.

"Come on." Hiccup complained.

"Seriously," I groaned. Then we flew right into it.

Later, the four of us were sitting on a cliff having dinner. Hiccup and my face were covered in soot and our hairs were standing on one end. Toothless and Nightlily gurgled up fishes' heads for us.

"Uh, no thanks. We're good," Hiccup said showing them the fishes we were roasting.

"Yeah, I'd prefer the cooked fish than the ones you just threw up," I stated.

Then little roars grabbed our attention. A small pack of Terrible Terrors was flying towards us. Guess the smell of fish caught their interest; Toothless and Nightlily growled covering their fishes. The little dragons landed and walked towards the pile of fishes that the Night Furies were trying to hide. One of the Terrors got a little too close to Toothless making him growl at it. Another Terror grabbed a head that Nightlily threw up and began eating. Another Terror tried to grab the head, but the first one breathed fire at it.

One of the fishes from Nightlily's pile began to stand up. A Terrible Terror came out and Nightlily quickly grabbed it. The two dragons were in a little tug-of-war with the fish and Nightlily won. She ate the fish and laughed at the little dragon. The Terrible Terror spits out the fishtail and prepared to shoot fire at Nightlily. The Terror opened its mouth, but before any flames came out, Nightlily shot a small blast into its mouth; it fell to the ground.

The little dragon stood up and staggered a little. "Not so fireproof on the inside, are you?" Hiccup remarked.

"Here," I said tossing the dragon a fish. It happily gobbled up the fish. The little dragon walked up to me and sat in between Hiccup and me. Then Hiccup began petting the dragon making it purr like a cat.

"Everything we know about you guys is wrong," Hiccup said.

"Hey, Hiccup. Can we keep it?" I asked him.

"No," he answered firmly.

"Why not?"

"Because we already have two big dragons that are already a handful." 

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