A Down Dragon is a Dead Dragon

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        Third Person POV

"With one twist, he took my hand and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look on his face. I was delicious. He must've passed the word because it wasn't a month before another one of them took my leg", Gobber explains. The teens gasp in awe.

"Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon? Like if your mind was still in control of it, you could've killed the dragon from the inside by crushing his heart or something", Fishlegs said.

Ingrid rolled her eyes as she roasted her pork leg. "I swear, I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight. With my face", Snotlout said.

"Nope. It's the wings and the tails you want. If it can't fly, it can't getaway. A downed dragon is a dead dragon", Gobber explains. The Haddock twins' eyes widened and looked at each other.

Gobber yawns, "Alright, I'm off to bed. You should be too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys. Slowly but surely, making our way up to the Monstrous Nightmare. Who will have the honor of killing it", Gobber said, but Hiccup and Ingrid were already gone.

"It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. See", Tuffnut said confidently. Astrid look at the food Hiccup and Ingrid left behind.

"Your mom let you get a tattoo", Fishlegs asked astonished.

"It's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark", Tuffnut said. Hiccup and Ingrid made their way down the stairs.

"Okay. I've been stuck with you since birth and that was never there before", Ruffnut said.

"Yeas it was! You just never seen my left side before", Tuffnut argued.

The rest of the teens and Gobber stay there until it was later. Hiccup and Ingrid were in the blacksmith. Hiccup opened his journal to the page of the Night Fury. He got out his pencil and the second part of the tail.

Hiccup was on the bellow making the coal warmer with a sword the coal. After he was done, Hiccup tapped it with a hammer and blew on it. He dipped it in water until it was cool enough. He then placed it on the table.

Ingrid pulled some nails out of a shield. She hanged it over the bellow 'til it was burning red. She hammers the top off and molds it into a little ball. Together, the siblings assembled the parts making it into a prosthetic tail.

Ingrid's POV

"Looks good", I commented.

"Perfect for Toothless", Hiccup said. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised.

"Toothless, really", I asked.

"Yeah. I thought it was fitting for him", he said.

"Hm, I guess", I said.

"What about the female one? What's her name", Hiccup asks.

"Hm, I've been thinking about it for a while. I think Nightlily is good", I said.

"Why that name", Hiccup asked.

"Because she has a mark on her that looks a lily", I explained.

"Oh, that makes sense", he said.

"So you're confident that this tail will work, right", I asked a little nervous.

"Please, with our blacksmith's skills, it'll work", Hiccup said confidently. Well, sorta.

"You don't think it's gonna work, do you", I said deadpan.

"Ingrid, stop worrying", he said.

"I can hear the nervousness in your voice", I said. He began to walk out.

"No, you don't".

"Don't deny it".

"I am one hundred percent confident it will work".

"You're doubting yourself right now as we speak".

"La la, I don't hear anything".

And with that, he was already out. I mentally sighed; tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now