Dragon's Reveal

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Ingrid's POV

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Ingrid's POV

There was an awkward silence between all of us as we enter a fog bank. "So what now?" Astrid asks trying to break the awkwardness though it only increased it. "Um," my brother and I said looking down.

"Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow! You know you're gonna have to kill a dragon...," Astrid was interrupted by a deep rumbling of a dragon. Toothless and Nightlight looked around alarmed by the sound.

"Kill a dragon," Astrid whispered in Hiccup's ear.

"I know. Don't remind me," Hiccup said.

Nightlily and Toothless quickly dived deeper into the fog surprising all of us. "Toothless, Nightlily! What's happening!" Hiccup exclaimed.

Then a Monstrous Nightmare flew right next to us carrying a dolphin in its feet. "Get down," Hiccup ordered as we lowered ourselves to our dragons. There were growls and rumbling from all around us as more dragons appeared from the fog.

"What's going on?" Astrid asks.

"I don't know. Toothless, you gotta get us out of here, bud," Hiccup stated, placing his hand on Toothless's head, but Toothless growls brushing his hand away. Hiccup and I looked at each other nervously as he started focusing on the dead animals that were being carried by the dragons.

"It looks like they're hauling in their kill," Hiccup pointed out.

"Uh, what does that makes us?" Astrid asks nervously.

"More importantly, where are they going?" I wondered.

My question was sort of answered as the dragons began to dive down. The three screamed as Toothless and Nightlily dived down. Dragons maneuvered their way through rock pillars and I could faintly see a red glow coming from the fog. We got closer to the glow revealing a large volcano. The dragons made their way into the volcano seeing a large colony of dragons perched on some pillars. The dragons carrying their kill dropped them into a large, red pit. I looked around in awe, "What dad wouldn't give to find this," Hiccup commented.

Toothless and Nightlily found a perch that was unoccupied decided to land there. "Well, that's satisfying to know that our food is being dumped down a hole," Hiccup remarked.

"They're not eating any of it," Astrid commented.

"Maybe they're saving it," I suggested.

Then a Gronkle wobbly flying towards the hole and spits out a small fish. Suddenly, there was a menacing growl came from deep in the pit. The Gronkle got startled and began to fly away. It wasn't to move fast enough as a huge dragon ate the Gronkle. We all gasped in horror at the sight, "What is that?" The other dragons began to cower deeper into their pillars. The huge dragon swallowed the Gronkle and looked around at the other dragons.

"Alright, guys. We gotta get out of here," Hiccup said patting Toothless's head. The giant dragon glared at us making me sweat profusely. "Now!" I yelled as we flew away. The huge dragon almost caught us which causes the other dragons to fly out of the cave. The dragon inched its way closer to us trying to catch us, but it ended up grabbing a poor Zippleback.

Toothless and Nightlily brought us back to the cove. I was dazed by the incident that happened a few minutes ago. It made more sense why the dragons kept attacking our village.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! It makes sense! It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers and that's their queen. It controls them," Astrid slides off of Toothless, "We have to tell your dad!"

"No! No!" We exclaimed as we got off our dragons stopping Astrid.

"No! Not yet! They'll kill Toothless and Nightlily! No, Astrid, we have to think this through carefully," Hiccup says.

"Hiccup, Ingrid. We just discovered a dragon's nest. The thing we've been searching for since Vikings first sailed here," Astrid tried to reason.

"If we tell him, we essentially telling him that we found the mother load," I argued.

"So that's it! You two wanna keep it a secret?! To protect your pet dragons?! Are you serious?!" Astrid exclaimed.

Hiccup and I looked at Astrid, "Yes," we said sternly making Astrid's eyes widened.

"Astrid, I don't think you understand. Dad has a deep, deep hatred for dragons. Dragons took our mother away. If we tell him, not only do we tell him that his children are friends with dragons, we send all of the adults to a battle they won't win! Do you want to do that," I explained my voice cracking still shaken up by the large dragon that almost ate us. Just the thought of Dad going against that dragon was hard to swallow. Nightlily rubbed her head against my side to comfort me and Hiccup rubbed my arm.

Astrid frowned, "Okay. So what do we do?"

"Just give us until tomorrow. We'll figure something out," Hiccup said with his head down.

"Alright," Astrid said. Then she punched me in the arm, "That's for kidnapping and threatening me!" I held my arm shocked at the sudden act. I heard water sloshing making me look at Toothless who was looked at me questioningly; I just shrugged my shoulder. Then Astrid kissed Hiccup on the cheek, "That was for everything else." Astrid runs off.

The dragons and I looked at Hiccup with a knowing look. "What are all of you looking at?" Hiccup retorted making me laugh. 

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