Dragon in the Woods

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        Ingrid's POV

We were walking around the forest trying to find the Night Fury. We had our journals out that had a map of these woods. Hiccup started to put x's all over one page. I didn't want him to look mine.

"Uh, the gods hate us", Hiccup groaned. I closed my journal and looked at him.

"What makes you say that", I asked.

"Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not us. We manage to lose an entire dragon", Hiccup said. Hiccup hit a branch but hit him back on his forehead and my nose.

I looked up at the tree. It got knocked down, and there was a long dent in the ground. We walked down the trail and saw the Night Fury. I almost let out of scream of shock, but Hiccup covered my mouth and we both ducked down. We lifted our head to look at it again. It showed no signs of moving. Eyes closed and tied up in the bola. We both took out our daggers and continued down the trail. We jumped down and hid behind a rock. We came out and it still didn't move. I don't know why, but I kinda felt sorry it. What! Snap out of it, Ingrid! You're a Viking. 

"Oh, wow. We did it! Oh, we did it. This fixes everything. Yes! We have brought down this mighty beast", Hiccup said leaning on the dragon. The dragon moved and groaned. This time, I screamed in shock.

Hiccup jumped back; his back hitting the rock. We pointed our knives at it as it started to wake up more. It's cat-like green eyes looked straight into our own green eyes. With enough courage, Hiccup snapped out of it. "I'm gonna kill you, dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. I AM A VIKING", Hiccup yelled. I wanted to join him, but I guess I didn't have the stomach for it. Hiccup raised his knife over his head preparing to strike. He hesitantly lowered it. The dragon lowered it's head as if it was saying 'just get it over with'. I cringed my mouth and eyes waiting for a stabbing sound. But, it didn't happen.

I opened my eyes and saw Hiccup looking at his knife and the dragon.

"I did this", he mumbled.

"Hiccup, are you okay", I asked.

"Ingrid, I can't do it", Hiccup said.

"I know", I said.

"Let's get out of here", Hiccup said.

"Wait, Hiccup! We can't leave it like this. What if another person finds him and tries to kill him", I said pulling his arm. Hiccup sighed in defeat and walked over to the dragon. He used his knife to cut the ropes. I too started to help out with the ropes. After we finished, the dragon lunges at us and pins us down. We were both paralyzed with fear. Hiccup reached for my hand and grabbed it firmly. I squeezed his hand so that we'd always be together. It started to open its mouth. Hiccup and I closed our eyes think that we were gonna die.

But instead of eating us as we thought, it let out a loud roar and flew away. I held my chest preventing a panic attack. We both breathed a sigh of relief. Hiccup stood up and held me on my feet. We watched the dragon flying through the trees. We started to walk over to the trail, but then everything with black.

"Ingrid! Ingrid wake up", I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Hiccup shaking me.

"What happened", I managed to say.

"After the dragon flew away, we fainted", Hiccup explained.

"How long has it been", I asked.

"I don't know. I woke up before I woke you up", he said. I looked up at the sky. It was a lot dimmer meaning it was getting late. "We should going", I said. Hiccup nodded his head and we went home.

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