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Ingrid's POV

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Ingrid's POV


"We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like we're going on a little vacation. Forever," Hiccup announced. He took his bag off his shoulder and looked through our stuff. I was a little hesitant about this running away plan. I mean I didn't want Hiccup to fight in the arena tomorrow, but that means we have to leave dad. I know he's shown that he hasn't liked us for some time, but we're all he has left.

"Hiccup, I don't know about this," I said worriedly.

"You're not chickening out, are you?" Hiccup asked.

"Come on. Can we at least talk to him?" I suggested.

"Dad is beyond reasoning at this point."

I sighed and looked up to see Astrid sitting on a rock sharpening her ax. I yelped in surprise stumbling backward making Hiccup looking at Astrid.

"Ahh! What the?! What are you doing here?" Hiccup asked alarmed.

"I wanna know what's going on. No one just gets good as you two; especially you two. Start talking," Astrid prods as she stalks up to us backing us into a corner.

"Are you training with someone?"

"Uh, training. I...I don't," Hiccup stammered.

"It better not involve these," Astrid said grabbing onto my riding vest.

"Let go! S...so what if we're t...training? I..i..it's no...ne of your business," I said trying to sound confident but my shaky voice betrayed me.

"I know! This looks really bad, but you see this uh," Hiccup started but the sound cracking of branches made Astrid drop me. Hiccup helped me to my feet. Oh, gods, I hope Toothless and Nightlily is somewhere far away and not here.

"You're right! You're right! You're right! I'm through with the lies. We've been making outfits. So, you got us. It's time everyone knew, " Hiccup grabs Astrid's hand and puts it on his chest, "Drag us back, go ahead. Here we go." Then Astrid bends Hiccup's arm the wrong way. I cringed when I heard a crack.

"Ow! Why would you do that?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"That's for the lies! And that's!" Astrid dropped her ax onto Hiccup's torso, "For everything else." Then there was a growl coming from a few meters away startling us.

"Oh no!"

I helped Hiccup stand only to be tackled by Astrid. Geez, can we just stand, please?! I heard one of the dragons' growls and heavy footsteps heading towards us aggressively. Astrid got up quickly and ready her ax to swing at the dragons. Before either of the three could strike each other, Hiccup pushed Astrid out of the way while I stepped in front of Toothless and Nightlily to calm them down.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now