Vikings Vs The Deadly Nadder

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        Third Person POV

"Hey, you know, uh, we just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? A squeal? Or maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet", Hiccup asked.

"Or maybe just a book about close encounters with Night Furies", Ingrid asked. Before they got their answers, a shot of fire blasted through our axes startling us. "Focus, Hiccup, and Ingrid! You're not even trying", Gobber said. The twins screamed as the Nadder rushed towards them.

"Today is all about attack", Gobber said. Hiccup and Ingrid maneuvered through the maze trying to escape the dragon. "Nadders are quick and light on their feet! Your job is to be quicker and lighter", Gobber explained. The Nadder jumped onto the wall and shot its spikes at Fishlegs. Fishlegs screamed and raised his shield to block the spikes. "I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods", Fishlegs said.

"Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has it. Find it, hide in it, and strike", Gobber said. The other twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, were running through the maze until they ran into the Nadder's blind spot.

"Ugh, do you ever bathe", Ruffnut said.

"If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot", Tuffnut said.

Then the two started butting heads, "How 'bout I give you one", Ruffnut said. The Nadder roared and fired at them. The twins dodged it and ran away.

"Blindspot, yes. Death spot, not so much", Gobber chuckled a bit.

"Hey, hey so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury", Hiccup asked.

"No one's ever met one or lived to tell the tale. Now get in there", Gobber yelled.

"We know, but still...", Ingrid said.

"Hiccup! Ingrid! Get down", Astrid whispered as she and Snotlout hid from the Nadder. Astrid took a peek to see if the coast was clear but ducked as the Nadder came closer.

Astrid and Snotlout did a barrel roll to another wall. Ingrid and Hiccup try to barrel roll but the heavy shields held them back from completing the roll. The Nadder saw them and tried to bite them. The twins got up and ran in different directions. The Nadder jumped in front of Astrid and Snotlout blocking their way. "Watch out, babe. I'll take care of this", Snotlout said as he threw his mace at the Nadder, but missed. Nadder looked at the mace and laughed. Astrid glared at Snotlout, "The sun was in my eyes, Astrid", Snotlout complained.

The Nadder shot its fire at them and they started running away.

"What do you want me to do? Block out the sun? I can do that, but I don't have the time", Snotlout ranted on as the Nadder chased them.

"Has anyone ever seen one sleeping", Hiccup asked Gobber as the Vikings ran past him.

"Hiccup", Gobber yelled point at something from Hiccup. Astrid jumps on top of the walls and a wall started to tip over. "Hiccup", Astrid screamed.

The smoke cleared to reveal Astrid on top of Hiccup.

"Oooh, love on the battlefield", Tuffnut commented.

"She could better", Ruffnut said.

"Let me...Why don't you", Hiccup said, but Astrid was ignoring him. Astrid stood up and saw the Nadder coming towards them. Astrid gasped and tried to get her ax out of Hiccup's shield, but to no avail. So, she took Hiccup's shield off him and swung at the Nadder.

The dragon staggers away in pain.

"Well done, Astrid", Gobber praised. Astrid turned to Hiccup and Ingrid who was helping her brother on his feet. "Is this some kind of a joke to you two", Astrid yelled at them.

"Our parents' war is about to become ours! Figure out what sides you're on", Astrid said before walking out the area leaving the twins in shock.

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