The Dragon Manual

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        Ingrid's POV

When we made it back to the village, it was night and it was raining. By how fast the rain was coming down, I guessed that a storm was coming. We climbed the stairs that led to the Great Hall. As we opened the giant doors, we heard the voice of Gobber and the other teenagers.

"Alright, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today", Gobber asked.

"I mistimed my somersault dive. It was sloppy. It messed up my reversed tumble", Astrid said.

"Yeah, we noticed", said Ruff said.

"No, no, you were great. That was so Astrid", Snotlout said which Astrid roll her eyes. Snotlout was always trying to hit on Astrid. I mean, he's hit on me a couple of times, but I always rejected him.

"She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves", Gobber says. We walked to the table to two plates of food. Snotlout moved to the gap on the table so that we wouldn't sit on the table. Whatever, it's not like we wanted to sit with them anyway.

"Where did Hiccup and Ingrid go wrong", Gobber asked. Oh, I bet they have numerous reasons where we messed up.

"Uh, they showed up", Ruffnut stated.

"They didn't get eaten", Tuffnut said.

"They're never where they should be", Astrid said glaring at us.

"Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff. The Dragon Manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of", Goober said. Then, there was a rumble of thunder outside.

"No attacks tonight. Study up", Gobber said before leaving the Great Hall.

"Wait! We read", Tuffnut asked.

"While we're still alive", Ruffnut complained.

"Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about", Snotlout said.

"Oh! I've read it likes, seven times! There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water in your face! And, there's this other one that buries itself for like a week-", Fishlegs ranted, but Tuffnut interrupted him.

"Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance that I was gonna read that", he said.

"But now", Ruffnut said. "You guys read, I'll go kill stuff", Snotlout said leaving the hall. Everyone except Astrid left the table.

"So, I guess we'll share", Hiccup said.

"Read it", Astrid said pushing the book towards and left.

"All ours then. Wow, so okay. We'll see you...", Hiccup got cut off by the door slam, "Tomorrow". Hiccup's shoulders dropped in defeat.

"Ooh, rejected", I said smirking.

"Oh, you hush", Hiccup said. I chuckled and picked up the book.

We waited till everyone in the Hall left so we were the only ones in there. I got two candles to help us read. I placed a candle down and sat next to Hiccup. He turned opened the book to the first page.

"Dragon classifications. Strike class, fear class, mystery class", Hiccup read out loud then turned the page.

"Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at a close range. Extremely Dangerous. Kill on sight", Hiccup reads.

He turns a few pages to another dragon.

"Timberjack. This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight". He turns the page, "Scauldron. Sprays scalding water at its victim. Extremely dangerous". A loud crash of thunder made us jump and look towards the door. We breathed a sigh of relief and continued on reading.

"Changewing. Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight". Hiccup started flipping through the pages, "Gronckle. Zippleback. The Skrill. Bone Knapper. Whispering Death. Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Choke its victim. Turns its victims inside out", Hiccup said then I took over.

"Extremely dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. Kill on sight. Kill on sight", I said.

Then, Hiccup stops on the last page. It was the page on the Night fury, but there was no picture of it. "Nightfury. Speed unknown. Size unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance; hide and pray it does not find you", Hiccup reads. I opened my journal to the page with the dragon on it and placed it on the blank page.

"Well, it looks like we're the only ones who got a good look at them, huh", I asked. Hiccup nodded and handed my journal back to close the book.

"We should head home", Hiccup said. "Yeah", I said.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now