First Day of Dragon Training

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        Ingrid's POV

"Welcome to Dragon Training", Gobber said as we opened the gate.

"No turning back", I heard Astrid say. Hiccup and I kinda lingered back from the group as they walked into the arena.

"I hope I get some serious burns", Tuffnut said.

"I'm hoping for some mauling, like shoulder or lower back", Ruffnut said.

"Yeah. It's only fun when you get a scar", Astrid said.

"Yeah, no kidding, right", I said sarcastically.

"Pain, love it", Hiccup groaned.

"Oh, great. Who let them in", Tuff groaned.

"Let's get started! The recruit that does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village", Gobber said. I bit my lip nervously. Only one person gets to kill their first dragon.

"Hiccup and Ingrid already killed a Night Fury so is that, disqualified them or", Snotlout said. The other teenagers except Astrid laughed.

"Don't worry. You're small and weak. That will make you less of a target. They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more Viking type instead", Gobber reassured us. Hiccup and I stood next to Fishlegs in line.

"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight. The Deadly Nadder", Goober explained.

"Speed:8. Armor:16", Fishlegs said.

"The Hideous Zippleback".

"Plus 11 Stealth, Times 2".

"The Monstrous Nightmare".


"The Terrible Terror".

"Attack:8, Venom:12".

"CAN YOU STOP THAT", Gobber yelled, "...and the Gronckle".

"Jaw strength:8", Fishlegs whispered.

"Whoa, whoa, wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first", Snoutlout asked.

"I believe in learning on the job", Gobber said before pulling the lever down releasing the Gronckle. We all ran in different directions as the Gronckle flies at us. "Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead", Gobber said.

"Quick! What's the first thing you'll need", Gobber asked.

"A doctor", Hiccup said.

"Plus five-speed", Fishlegs said.

"A shield", Astrid answered.

"Shields. Go", Gobber said as we scrambled to grab one.

"Your most important piece of equipment is your shield. If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield", Gobber said as he helped Hiccup pick up his shield.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut ran over to get their shields, but they ended up grabbing the same one.

"Get your hands off my shield", Tuffnut said as him and Ruffnut had a little tug-a-war with the shield.

"There are like a million shields", Ruffnut said.

"Take that one. It had a flower on it. Girls like flowers", Tuffnut said. Then, Ruffnut hit him over the head with the shield.

"Oops, now this one has blood on it", Ruffnut said.

The Gronckle flew over to them and blasted their shield. They both did a spin and fell. "Ruffnut, Tuffnut, you're out", Gobber announced.

"What", the twins exclaimed.

"Those shields are good for another thing; noise. Make lots of it to throw off the dragon's aim", Gobber explained. All of u banged our weapons against our shields. The Gronckle shook its head in dizziness. "All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have", Gobber asked. How exactly are we supposed to know that?

"Five", Snotlout answered.

"No, six", Fishlegs answered.

"Correct, six. About one for each of you", Gobber said.

"I really don't think my parents would...", Fishlegs was interrupted as the Gronckle blasted his shield.

"Fishlegs, out", Gobber said. Fishlegs ran away screaming.

"Hiccup! Ingrid! Get in there", Gobber yelled. We were hiding behind a big piece of wood. We were about to come out, but the Gronckle blasted the wall behind us, so we stayed put. Astrid was ready for the Gronckle's blast. Then, Snotlout stood next to her. "So anyway, I'm moving into my parents' basement. You should come by sometime to work out. You look like you work out", Snotlout said. Astrid cartwheeled out of the way and the Gronckle blasted Snotlout's shield.

"Snotlout, you're done", Gobber said. Astrid stopped beside Hiccup. Hiccup straightened his back,

"So, I guess it's just you and us, huh", Hiccup said.

"Nope, just you two", Astrid said running off. A blast hit Hiccup's shield and it rolled away from him.

"One shot left", Gobber said. Hiccup was right up against the wall next to me as the Gronckle pins us both.

"Hiccup! Ingrid", Gobber yelled.

The Gronckle opened its mouth ready to fire, but it ended up shooting the wall. Gobber dragged the Gronckle with his hook. "And that's six. Go back to bed, you overgrown sausage", Gobber said wrestling with it as he put it back in its cage.

"You'll get another chance. Don't worry. Remember, a dragon will always, always go for the kill", Gobber said. He hoisted us up on our feet. Hiccup and I looked at the scorch mark on the wall and thought about the Night Fury. Why didn't it kill us?

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