We Have Dragons

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Third Person POV

Hiccup lay in his bed unconscious, face healed from burns. Toothless lowers his face and sniffed; he drew his head back groaning. Hiccup peels his eyes open looking around the room. He sees Toothless and Nightlily standing over him excited to see him awake. He looks to his left to see Ingrid sleeping on a chair with her upper half sleeping on the bed, the eye bags under her eyes were painfully obvious. Hiccup raises his arm and places his hand on her head. Toothless nudges his head against Hiccup's head getting his attention.

"Hey, Toothless," he greeted while Toothless nudged his head more, and Nightlily began nuzzling her head onto his. "I'm happy to see you, too, guys." Toothless began licking his head accidentally stepping on Hiccup's stomach making him sit up in pain. Hiccup looked around now more awake realizing something. "I'm in my house. You're in my house!" Toothless and Nightlily excited jumped around the house. "Does my dad know you're here?!" Toothless ran into the weapons rack making it clatter to the ground.

The noise wakes up Ingrid and sees her brother awake. Ingrid leaps to her feet and hugs Hiccup. He painfully groaned surprised at the sudden hug. "Hey, Ingrid! It's nice to see you, too," Hiccup strained as he returned the hug.

Then he feels his shoulder getting wet and Ingrid begins to shake. Hiccup held Ingrid tighter as he let her cry into his shoulder. After a few minutes of crying, Ingrid pulls away from Hiccup, her face covered with snot and tears. "I thought! I thought you were gone!" Ingrid sobbed wiping her eyes and nose, but more tears poured out of her eyes. "When I saw you falling into the flames and you weren't in Toothless's saddle, I thought I'd lost you forever," she sniffled.

Hiccup frowns his eyebrows and looks at his sister somberly. He wraps his arm around Ingrid bringing her closer. She wraps her arms around his torso and Hiccup kisses her head. "Hey! I'm okay, Griddy. I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I promise it won't happen," Hiccup smiled softly. Toothless and Nightlily go up to the twins sniffing them. "Okay! Okay!" Hiccup exclaimed as the dragons jump onto a roof pillar playfully. "Toothless! Nightlily! Aw, come on!" Hiccup scolded about to get up, but felt something off about his legs. He lifts the covers revealing something. The two dragons jump down from the pillar and groan. Ingrid looks down at his leg sympathetically.

Hiccup swung his legs off of the bed placing his foot and peg leg on the ground. Toothless sniffs at the leg and looks up at Hiccup apologetically.

Hiccup looks at his sister with a sad and asking look. "Your leg was too damaged and couldn't be healed properly, so we had to amputate it," Ingrid explained.

"How long have I been out?" he asked.

"A week or so, I think."

Hiccup sighs and gets up, Ingrid also stands up with her arms in front of him. He places his right leg forward stumbling a bit. He breathes in and puts his left leg forward. But, he stumbled forward and Toothless caught him before he could hit the floor. "Okay. Thanks, bud." Ingrid walks up to Hiccup and wraps her hands around his arm. "Do you need some help?" She asks. Hiccup shakes his head and places his hand on hers, "I got it."

Toothless guides Hiccup to the front door causing Ingrid to run to the front door. "Before you open the door, you need to prepare for what is waiting outside," Ingrid nervously said.

Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Just prepare yourself."

Hiccup limps to the door and opens it. Once he opens the door, a Monstrous Nightmare roar making Hiccup quickly close the door. "What in the of Thor?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"You may wanna open it again," Ingrid said.

Hiccup carefully opened the door again to see Snotlout on the Monstrous Nightmare calling out to the other dragon riders. Hiccup's eyes widen and limp outside.

Outside were dragons roaming around the plaza of Berk while other dragons were perched on top of houses.

"I knew it! I'm dead," Hiccup remarked.

Stoick chuckles and places both hands on his kids' shoulders. "No, you gave it your best shot. So, what do you think?" Stoick asked as he and the siblings walked down the stairs. Before Hiccup could answer, the villagers noticed he was awake and called out to him. Most villagers ran up the stairs to greet the scrawny male huddling around him. "Turns out all we needed was a little, this," Stoick joked.

"You just gestured to all of us," Hiccup said; Stoick softly smiled.

"Don't worry. I helped them adjust to our new situation," Ingrid said.

"Well, most of you," Gobber remarked making his way through the crowd. "That bit's my handiwork. With a little Hiccup flare thrown in. Think it'll do?"

"I might make a few tweaks," Hiccup joked making the other Vikings laugh. Astrid came up behind Hiccup and punched him on the shoulder.

"That's for scaring me," she stated.

"What?! What?! What is it always going to be this way?! Because," before he could finish his tangent, Astrid interrupted him by kissing him on the lips.

The teens separated, "I could get used to it." Hiccup said making Astrid smile. Ingrid walked up to her brother and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Well, well, well, you did it," Ingrid teased making Hiccup shake her off his shoulder. Goober handed Hiccup his saddle and the tail fin, "Welcome home." The Haddock twins smiled.

A door opened, and everyone exclaimed about the NightFuries as Toothless and Night Lily made their way through the crowd. They stood in front of them excitedly as the teens laughed at them.

Hiccup strapped the saddle to Toothless and put his prosthetic foot through the pedal opening Toothless's new prosthetic tail. Ingrid and Astrid stood next to him on their dragons. "You ready?" he asks; Toothless nods his head and spreads his wings. Hiccup raised his head looking at the new Berk.

"This is Berk. It snows nine months of the year and hails the other three."

The three took off to the sky. They flew around the village maneuvering around the houses.

"Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow are even more so."

They flew around the docks and then turned around flying through the village again.

"The only upside is the pets."

The dragons flew through a bridge as Fishlegs joined their flight.

"While other places have ponies or parrots."

Snoutlout and the twins joined the group as well.

"We have dragons."

Toothless and Night Lily flew to the sky roaring.

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