Fighting the Hideous Zippleback

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Ingrid's POV    

"Today is all about teamwork", Gobber said as the doors burst open. The green fog was pouring out and surrounded us. "Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other lights it. Your job is to know which is which", Gobber explains.

All of got put into teams. Hiccup got teamed up with Fishlegs, and Tuffnut and Snotlout got teamed up. And I, unfortunately, got teamed with Astrid and Ruffnut; lucky me. I looked around us following the growls of the

"Hey, don't slow us down", Astrid sneered.

"Hey, I didn't want to team up with you guys anyway. Let's just focus where the dragon is", I snapped back.

"There", I heard Snotlout yell. Then, water got splashed onto us making us yelp.

"Hey! It's us, idiots", Tuffnut said.

"Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon", Tuffnut said.

"Not that there's anything wrong with a dragonesque figure", Snotlout said. Astrid walked up to Snotlout and punched him in the face. Tuffnut threw her bucket at her brother.

"Guys, come on! Let's focus here. There's a two-headed dragon that could attack any moment", I said.

Then Tuffnut screamed as he was dragged away into the mist. "Wait", Astrid whispered as she held out her arm. Something swept over our feet making us fall to the ground. Tuffnut crawled over Ruffnut screaming.

"OH, I AM HURT! I AM VERY MUCH HURT", he yelled running away.

"Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now", Fishlegs said. One of the dragon's heads slithered out of the fog towards Fishlegs. He stumbled a bit and threw water at the head. The dragon growled and green gas dribbled out of its mouth. "Heh, wrong head", Fishlegs chuckled. Then the dragon breathed the gas at him. "Fishlegs", Gobber yelled. Fishlegs was out.

The second head popped out sparks lighting up its mouth in front of my brother. "Now, Hiccup", Gobber and I yelled. He threw the water, but it didn't hit the dragon.

"Aw, come on", Hiccup groaned. The dragon growled and roared at Hiccup making him fall to the ground. The dragon began sparking up again.

"Hiccup", Gobber yelled.

Without realizing, I ran up to the dragon and threw my bucket at him. "Hey, two heads! Stay away from him", I yelled. The dragon turned its heads toward me and growled. I immediately regretted throwing my bucket at it. "Ingrid, run", Hiccup and Gobber yelled. As the dragon came closer to me, it staggered away. "Huh", I said confused. But then I remembered the eels I had with me. I took them with me since Toothless and Nightlily didn't eat them. Thank Thor, I brought them with me.

"Get back! Back", I said waving my arms at it.

"Go on! Go to your room! Yeah, make you make me say it again", wow I suddenly turned into a mom sending her kid into time out. The Zippleback went back into its cage. "That's right. Now think about what you did for an hour or two", I said throwing the eels into the cage. The dragon staggered further back into the cage.

I closed the door with everything I had. I dusted off my hands and turned back to see everyone looking at me with stunned silence. "Okay, are we done? Great because my brother and I somethings to work on so see you tomorrow", I said grabbing Hiccup's arm and we walked out of the battle arena.

As we walked farther away, Hiccup stops me.

"Okay, how did you do that?! That's was awesome", Hiccup said.

"Let's just say I had a secret weapon on me", I said winking.  

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now