Twin's Secret Life

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 Third Person POV

The twins were in the blacksmith shop putting together two seats for the Night Furies. The next day, they showed it to them, and the dragon feeling playful, ran away. The twins chased them with the saddles.


"Get back here! We have to make sure these things fit you!"

The twins managed to get the saddles on them, so they rode on the dragons. Hiccup was holding a rope to keep the prosthetic tailfin open. Ingrid was close behind him riding Nightlily. Hiccup pulled the rope a little too hard which made him and Toothless fall. The twins went back to the blacksmith shop to make some adjustments to the saddles. Ingrid made hooks on the saddles so they wouldn't fly off the dragons. Later, the twins were back riding on the dragons. This time Hiccup had the rope wrapped around his foot so it would easier to open the tailfin.

But because of the wind and trying to balance, Hiccup and Toothless fell into patches of grass. Ingrid snickered then she and Nightlily flew down to the spot where the boys landed. Hiccup got up and walked through the grass. "Look like we still need to do some adjusting to your saddle," Ingrid laughed.

"You think," Hiccup remarked.

"Where's Toothless," Ingrid asks.

"I don't know. Where's Nightlily," Hiccup asks back. The two teenagers looked through the grass to see the two dragons rolling around in it. Hiccup tore a piece of grass and examined it. The twins looked at each other and an idea popped into Hiccup's head.

The next day, all of the teenagers of berk were in the training area fighting the Gronckle. The dragon began to fly towards Hiccup. He held up the grass to the Gronckle and the dragon sniffed the grass. Hiccup scratched the grass against the dragon's nose and the dragon rolled to the side. The other Vikings came to watch the fight.

The teenagers were walking a bridge surrounding Hiccup and Ingrid, bombarding them with questions. "Oh, I left my ax back at the ring. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you," Hiccup pardoned while he walked away. "See you later, guys," Ingrid said following her brother. The twins were back with the Night Furies. Ingrid was scratching the dragons' head while Hiccup was cleaning their saddles. Ingrid then scratched a certain spot on the dragons' head and got knocked out.

Ingrid looked down at her hands a little shocked. Hiccup was also looking at her in shock. "How did you do that," Hiccup asks.

"I scratched a certain spot on them and they fell asleep," Ingrid explained.

The teenagers were back in the dragon-fighting area; this time they were fighting the Nadder. Astrid swung her ax at the Nadder, but the dragon deflected it. The Nadder then started charging to Ingrid. She drops her ax and the dragon sniffs her hands. A battle cry was heard which made the redhead and the dragon turn to Astrid who was charging with her ax. While the Nadder's head was turned, Ingrid took the chance to scratch the dragon's head trying to find the weak spot. She found it and the dragon dropped to the ground. Astrid looked at her dumbfounded.

Later that night, the twins were in the mess hall about to sit on their table. The other Vikings saw them and went to sit with them. Astrid slammed her on the table frustrated.

The next day, Hiccup was playing the Night Furies by using light reflecting off of the ax and the dragons chased the light; Ingrid laughed at the scene.

The following day, the next dragon fighting test was up. Gobber rose the lock from the door slightly, "Meet the Terrible Terror." A little green dragon came out and licked its eye. "Ha! It's like the size of my," before Tuffnut could finish, the Terrible Terror jumped on his face and started biting his nose. "Oh, get it off! Oh, I am hurt! I am very much hurt," he yelled. The twins used the light reflecting from their shields to lead the dragon back to its pen. "Wow, they're better than you ever were," Tuffnut commented while holding his nose.

The Terrible Terror went back inside its cage and the twins looked at the others with an innocent look. In the woods, Astrid was repeatedly swinging her ax at a tree out of anger and frustrated. Astrid pulled her ax of the tree and somersaulted to attack something, but it was Ingrid and Hiccup holding something. They looked at her then they scurried away behind a rock. Astrid followed them and looked behind the rock to find them gone; she banged her fist against the rock.

Meanwhile, Hiccup was tying a rope to Toothless's harness while Ingrid was distracting him with fish. Later, Toothless was tied to a tree stump, wings open to keep him and Hiccup in the air. Hiccup adjusted the tailfin with his foot and the dragon dropped. Ingrid took note of the tailfin position on a piece of paper. The boys tried it again, but the wind was too strong and they got blown away.

Ingrid and Nightlily followed them to find Toothless landed on his back. Toothless got back up along with Hiccup. Ingrid got off of Nightlily and examined the hook. It was bent preventing the ring to come off. "Oh, great. You didn't bring the tool, did you," Hiccup asked.

"'Fraid not. Which means," Ingrid cringed.

"Yeah," Hiccup stated.

Later that night, the twins were back in the village. A male Viking passed by them and greeted them. They greeted him back, and Toothless. Hiccup pulled Toothless to make the dragon follow him. The three made their way to the blacksmith's shop. Ingrid went ahead to see if the coast was clear. She gave them the thumbs up and they all walked inside. Toothless dipped his head inside a bucket and threw it away making a loud clatter.

Astrid heard the noise and ran to the blacksmith. The twins tried to get the hook unstuck with tools. "Hiccup, Ingrid! Are you in there?" Astrid's voice called out. The three looked up alarmed, "What now," Ingrid whispered.

"Don't worry. I've got this," Hiccup reassured her then jumped outside, "Astrid, hey. Hi, Astrid. Hi, Astrid." Ingrid tried to hold the dragon back from coming into view. "Normally, don't get what people do, but you and your sister are acting weird," Astrid pointed out. Hiccup was pulled back slightly because of the belt buckle that made him nervously chuckle.

"Well, weirder," Astrid stated. Hiccup was pulled and back into the shop. Astrid looked behind the doors and saw him gone. Behind her, the twins were making their escape on Toothless while laughing.

The next day, Stoick's ship fleet was back but the boats were broken. The Vikings walked onto the port pulling up their supplies.

"I trust you found the nest, at least," Gobber said to Stoick.

"Not even close," Stoick pointed out.

"Excellent," Gobber remarked.

"I hope you had a little more success than me," Stoick spoke.

"Well, if by success, you mean that your parenting troubles are over with. Then, yes," Gobber answered.

"Congratulations, Stoick! Everyone is so relieved!"

"Out with the old and in with the new, right?"

"No one will miss those old nuisances!"

"The village is throwing a party to celebrate."

"They're gone?" Stoick asks Gobber confused.

"Um, yeah. Most afternoons, but who can blame them? I mean, the life of a celebrity is very rough. They can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by their fans," Gobber explained.

"The twins?" Stoick asked shocked at this new information.

"Who would have thought it, eh? They have this way with the beast," Gobber stated.              

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