The Dragon's Nest Fight

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Ingrid's POV

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Ingrid's POV

All of us flew through the sky on the dragons. I was riding with Hiccup on Toothless. I saw the island through the clearing of the clouds. Dad and Gobber were provoking the dragon queen as she looked back and forth at the two men. She growled readying herself to breathe out the fire. We saw our chance, Toothless swooped down and shot at the giant dragon.

The twins cheered at the shot "Ruff, Tuff! Watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!" Hiccup orders.

"Look at us! We're on dragons! We're on Dragons, all of us!" Tuff yells making all the adults look up at us in shock.

"Fishlegs, break it down," Hiccup said.

"Okay! Heavily armored skull, tail made for bashing and crushing, steer clear of the boat, small eye, large nostrils, relies on hearing and smell," Fishlegs states.

"Okay, Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot! Makes some noise, keep it confused! Astrid, you try hitting it with everything you've got! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!" Hiccup orders.

"That's my specialty," Ruff beamed.

"Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See," Tuffnut turned upside down and made noise.

"Just do what he told you! We'll be back as soon as we can!" I shouted. Toothless flew us to the burning ships as Hiccup and I looked for Night Lily. Toothless roared trying to find the other Night Fury. Then there was another roar coming from one of the ships. "There," I said pointing to the ship. Toothless flew us closer to the ship. I got up and jumped onto the platform.

"Go help them," I ordered.

"I'm not leaving you," Hiccup said.

I roll my eyes, "Just go, I'll be fine!" Hiccup cursed and ushered Toothless to fly away, but Toothless shook his head. I groaned in frustration and worked on freeing Night Lily. "Hold on, I'm going to get you free," I stated pulling on the belt wrapped around her head. I pulled it off and began pulling at the chains. I pulled with all my strength to break them but to no avail. Hiccup jumps down to help me. He grabs a stick and wedges it into the locks. We began pulling at the same time.

Suddenly, the boat's mast falls nearly missing us. Hiccup and I jumped out of the way. Then, we were suddenly in the water. I saw Night Lily sinking on the sea floor. I quickly swam to her and pulled on the chains again. I felt my lungs begin to burn as I struggled to hold my breath. I felt my eyes close as I opened my mouth and water flowed into my mouth.

Then I felt a hand grab my shirt and pull me up. The person gasped as they placed me on the ground. I coughed out the water in my mouth as air brought me sweet relief. I opened my eyes and saw Dad's cloak. "Dad?" I questioned, and he dove into the water. "Are you okay?" Hiccup asks.

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