Taming Night Furies

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        Ingrid's POV

After training, we went back to the cove with a shield and two fish. Hiccup was in front of me with the shield while I held the two fish. Hiccup stopped for a second and looked around. "Okay, throw the fishes", He whispered. I moved up a bit and threw the fishes. After a few seconds, the two Night Furies didn't come out. The two of us walked up a bit, but the shield got stuck between the rocks resulting in us bumping into each other. He tried to get it unstuck but to no avail.

We crawled under the shield and Hiccup tried to get it unstuck again, but nothing.

"I didn't you just turn to the side and walk out you idiot", I said hit his arm lightly.

"Don't call me idiot, idiot", he said hitting my arm. Then we did a little catfight.

"Are you done", Hiccup asked.

"Yes", I said. Then, I hit him over the hit just for good measures.

"Ow", Hiccup groaned.

"Your welcome", I smiled.

We picked the fishes and walked around the shore. We stayed close to each other in case the dragons sneak attack. I turn to a rock and saw the two dragons. I let out a small gasp which made Hiccup look at the dragons. The dragons moved cat-like motion towards us and glared at us. We hesitantly held out the fishes. The dragons walked out towards us and tried to grab the fishes. Then the female one growled at Hiccup. He moved his vest to reveal a knife.

"Why do you have that", I said.

"I forgot", Hiccup said.

Hiccup reached for his knife which made the dragons growled even more. We backed away slightly and Hiccup dropped his knife. The dragons snared again. I rolled my eyes and threw the knife into the lake. After a splash, the dragons sat up like dogs. We both sigh in relief and held out the fishes. The dragons walked towards us and opened their mouths to reveal a gummy mouth.

"Huh, toothless. I could've sworn you had", Hiccup said. Then, the dragons retracted their teeth and grabbed the fishes. They gobbled down the fishes and licked their mouths. "Teeth", I said.

The dragons then walked towards us. "Uh, uh, I...I, no-no-no. We don't have any more", Hiccup said as our backs hit rocks. Then the dragons gagged and threw up the fishes on our laps. "Oh, gods", I gagged. The dragons stood up and sat up straight. They just sat there staring at us blankly. We both sat up straight holding the fishes looking into the dragons' eyes in silence and once in a while look at each other. These dragons are not expecting us to eat raw fish that they just threw up?

The dragons looked down at the fishes then at us. I guess they are. Hiccup sighed and brought his fish to his mouth taking a chunk out of it. I covered my mouth disgusted, almost throwing up. Hiccup hummed as if telling the dragons that it was good. The male raised his ears. The female looked at me waiting for me to eat mine. I really want to die right now. I lowered my head in defeat and bit into the fish tasting the slimy meat in my mouth. I gave the dragons a thumbs up with the meat still in my mouth.

The male Night Fury gulped telling to us to swallow our meat. Hiccup and I forced the raw meat down our throats, gagging and swallowed it. We both shivered at the taste of it. The dragons licked their mouths again. We both smiled at them. They looked at us with weird looks. We continued to smile at them to see how they would respond. They then curled their mouths and gave us gummy smiles.

Hiccup scooted over to them and tried to touch them. They growled at him and flew away. Well, more like the female as the male crashed land. When they land onto the other side of the cove, they breathed fire on the ground and laid on the burned spot. We ran as fast as we could to them and sat down. The male looked up at a bird as it flew away. Then the male looked at us. We waved to the two dragons. "Hello, how are you two doing on this fine afternoon", I said. The male grumbled and covered his face with his tailfin. I scooted over to the female to see her injuries better. The male removed his tailfin and looked me causing to grab Hiccup and walk away.

It was getting later; both of us just sat on our butts waiting for something. Hiccup was just drawing something while I was fiddling around with some flowers. The dragons were on a tree sleeping like bats. I was humming a tune when I felt presences behind me. I glanced to see the female behind me. I continued doing what I was doing. I ended making a flower necklace only for the female-run her head through it. "Hey", I complained. The dragon happily jumped around enjoying the new accessory. "Fine, it looks better on you than me", I said standing up.

Then the sound of branch breaking made us turn towards Hiccup. The male was drawing on the ground with a huge branch. I couldn't help but let out a laugh. The male was being adorable. "Boys, I am right", I asked the female; she just tilted her head. But, I could help to notice a small mark on her chest. It looked like a flower. "Aw, it almost looks like a lily", I commented. Then I thought of her name. Maybe flower dragon, no too weird. Maybe lily. Or Nightlily. Perfect.

We stared at each other in silence. I raised my hand to touch her nose, but she narrowed her blue eyes and growled. I retracted my hand and held it out again. I looked away from her and waited to see what she'll do. After a few seconds, I felt scaly skin touch my hand and looked at the dragon. The dragon rested her nose on my hand. I didn't know how to feel at this moment. Happy that I earned the dragon's trust. Or weird that my brother and I are the first-ever Vikings to earn a dragon's trust.

The female pulled away from my nose and scurried away. I looked at Hiccup; he was looking down at his hand. I walked closer to him. "What happened", I asked him. "I think we're in a forbidden friendship", he said.

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