Two Nightfuries

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This is the picture of Ingrid's Nightfury. I know it sucks, but I couldn't get the full image here. And I know that the third movie trailer has the female Nightfury, but I decided to go with this. So anyway, enjoy this chapter.


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 Ingrid's POV

"So why didn't you", Hiccup mumbled as he looked at the destroyed bola. Hiccup pondered for a minute before standing up. "Come on", Hiccup said waving me over. I followed close behind him and we walked in the direction I think the Nightfury flew in. After a while, we made it to a hidden cove. I looked across the gorgeous scenery. There was a large lake and there were walls surrounding the land. "Well, this was stupid", Hiccup groaned.

My attention turned to the pitch-black scales on the ground. "Hey, Hiccup. Look", I said getting his attention. He turned to where I was looking at. He kneeled down and picked up one of the scales. Then, something zoomed in front of us. We fell backward and saw the Nightfury struggling to get over the wall. He flew back down on the ground hard.

We got down on a ledge to get a closer look. It attempts to fly up the wall again but failed. It tried it once more flapping its wings. Hiccup took out his journal and started sketching. "Why don't you just fly away", Hiccup mumbled. I took another look at the dragon as it shot the ground. One of its tailfins was missing. "I think I know why", I said pointing at its tail. Hiccup rubbed his hand against the drawing to erase the left tailfin.

He looks up from his book and looked at not at the dragon, but in another direction.

"What", I asked. His eyes were widened and were staring in awe.

"What", I asked again more persisted.

"Oh, my gods! There's another one", he said.

"Wait, what", I said looking in his direction. And, that's when I saw her.

It was another Nightfury, but a little smaller; so I guessed that it was female. She had beautifully turquoise eyes. It was white spots around its dark body. It was just sitting on a rock watching the male flying around. The male Nightfury crashed landed near the female. She got up from the rock and walked over to the male. No, not walking. She was limping over to him. She nudged her head against his. A fish jumped out of the water and back in. The male walked over to the water, and tried to catch it, but failed.

"Check if the female's tailfins are there", Hiccup said.

"Alright", I said. I leaned in closer to take a look. The female's tailfins were still, but it looks like her left-wing and right leg is injured. Hiccup accidentally dropped his pencil which made the Nightfuries look at us. The female Nightfury began to growl at us and inch her way over to us. The male stopped her and started communicating in their own way. They looked back into our eyes. We tilted our heads, and the dragons did the same.

"Hiccup we should go", I said.

"Yeah", he said. And, we left the cove.

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