
5.4K 161 30

Ok I lied. I didn't update the day after I updated last but here you go! Just a few days late. I also changed the cover. Also WE REACHED 102K HOLY CRAP!

Max's POV
"So if you couldn't already tell, I'm in a little sticky situation. I told Taylor that I have a boyfriend but I really don't but I could pretend with Sam or Jc but I could never use them like that," I've been ranting to my mom for about a half an hour now, trying to come up with an idea. Yeah, it hasn't worked so far. All she keeps saying is "tell Taylor the truth", funny joke mom. Not even Taylor's friends tell Taylor the truth! If they did Taylor wouldn't have any friends. I stomped up to the bathroom, ticked off by my mother's useless, repetitive advice. I splashed some cold water in my face and looked in the mirror. I splashed the mirror and dried my face. As I redid my makeup I noticed Trevor in the doorway. "Sam's here to see you," he said and walked away. I finished up and ran downstairs, jumping over the last step. I see Sam standing in the living room with something behind his back. I smiled and walk towards him. "What brings you here on this fine day?" I ask, reaching behind his back to see what he has. He slides away and says, "to be with you." He reveals the bouquet of flowers he's been hiding behind his back. "For you," he says. "Thank you, Sam. Wow, they're beautiful," I say taking a nice long smell of the varying colors of tulips, roses and daisies. "I'm also here cause I have a question to ask you," he whispers as I hug him. "Well, what is it," I ask pulling out of the tight hug. He holds my hands, looks into my eyes and says, "Max Janine Moran, will you be my girlfriend?" A billion thoughts run through my head until I finally say, "Yes, but how do you know my middle name?" "I do my research," he says with a smirk. He picks me up like I'm weightless and we kiss like nobody's around.

Short chapter I know, but YAY THEY'RE DATING! New chapter up soon.

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