Don't Do Sadness (Deleted Scene cont.)

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Before I start this chapter I want to say... PLEASE GO FOLLOW jvstlaura AND READ HER BOOKS BECAUSE SHE'S AWESOME AND AN AMAZING WRITER! Read her books Constantly Something and Almost Everything it will change your life. Comment "done" once you've followed and started reading.

Max's POV
After the police dropped me home I walked through the door like nothing happened. Hoping no one would notice I'd been gone. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. As soon as I stepped foot into our little house my family attacked me with questions as to where I've been. I pushed passed them, pretending like they were invisible, and went up to my room. I tried doing my homework but it was so hard to focus. I couldn't tell if it was the frequent and frantic knocking on the door or what had just happened. I beat up the guys who have been bullying me and beating me since I was 13. Should I feel powerful and confident or guilty? I'm not sure. After an hour of getting no homework done I finally opened the door to see only Trevor who had not given up. "Hey," I said simply. He quickly stood up and faced me, staring at me with daggers, "hey?! That's all you have to say to me after the police drop you off at our house?!" For being the youngest child, Trevor is extremely overprotective and likes to know everything about everyone, especially when it's family. The worst part is that nothing gets past him no matter how hard you try. He's a very clever boy. "I'm sorry, okay?! It was all a misunderstanding nothing happened," I defended. "What was it then? If it was all a misunderstanding then can't you tell me?" He said, his voice lowering a little bit. "It's a long story," I mumbled as I went to sit on my bed. Trevor grabbed my wrist, which kind of hurt, turned me back around and said, "I got time." I checked to see if anyone was around and pulled him forcefully into my room. "Ow! That really hurt! You're really strong. Maybe a little too strong," he mumbled the last part. "No I'm not," I murmured hoping he didn't hear. As he sat on my bed I paced around the room telling the story. As I finished, I looked at Trevor. He was smiling like an idiot. "That's great! You stood up to them! Now they won't mess with you, right?" He said jumping up and down. "Wrong. Now they probably want revenge, so I'm doomed," I said as I sat next to him. "At least we've got each other," I said as I grabbed his hand and laid my head on his shoulder. I was trying to lighten the mood but it didn't seem to work, especially as it got darker and darker outside. Trevor let out the most depressing sigh I've ever heard. I got up thinking 'you're useless' (as in she couldn't lighten the mood with him, Trevor is far from useless!) and stood in the hallway, leaning over the ledge, still trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened. I looked out onto the floor below. I wondered what it would be like to fall and hit the floor below with a loud "thud", letting all my troubles fade away. I backed away from the ledge. 'I can't think like that,' I thought. 'I don't do sadness, not even a little bit,' I thought to myself again.

--the next day at school--

I tried to disguise myself as much as possible, knowing what was about to come. I tried convincing my mom to not let me go to school in every way possible but she only thought I was trying to get out of taking a test. I wore a black hoodie like A from Pretty Little Liars, black sweatpants, black high top converse, and sunglasses. Basically a bloutfit. Maybe I even put colored contacts in, I don't even remember, the whole morning was just so rushed and panicky. I went back to school at night and packed my bag for the morning so I wouldn't have to go to my locker. I rushed to class before the bell even rang to get a seat in the front. The first bell rang and I slumped down in my seat, hoping I would go unnoticed. Thankfully, people sat on all sides of me so there was no room for o2l boys. The second bell rings and Mr. Boniello (pfft totally not Alex Boniello who plays the voice of Moritz in Spring Awakening on Broadway and is singing the song I attached) starts class. Halfway through the lesson he stops and looks at me. I slump down in my seat again as he says, "Ms. Moran, please take off your sunglasses and hood." I slowly remove my sunglasses and slide my hood back. I hear a few giggles from around the classroom, but quickly shake it off, just like Tay Tay Swift taught me. "Well, that's it for today. You may talk amongst yourselves until the bell rings," Mr. Boniello announces. My eyes go wide. I shakily raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. He tells me that the period is almost over and that I should just stay. I only nod. I sit at my desk and stare at my hands. I feel a hand on my shoulder and freeze. Their grip gets tighter and tighter. It starts to hurt as they whisper into my ear, "be prepared for today. After school, 3:00." Thank god the bell rings. They remove their hand from my shoulder and I zoom out of class.

---after school---

I tiptoe out the school doors, looking around to see where the boys are, hoping I can escape again. Arms tightly wrap my waist and a hand goes over my mouth. No doubt the o2l boys. I don't even bother to scream or struggle, knowing all too well that it won't help my case. I'm thrown into their car, hitting my head on the door on the other side, and they take off. This can't be legal. Whoever's driving stops short, ramming me into the front seats. I'm picked up once again and tossed over someone's shoulder. The fear grows inside me, not only for what's to come, but because I've had nightmares about this since the beginning (if you remember the first chapter). I'm carried into the o2l house and thrown onto the floor, where I hit my head again. I heard the sound of metal jingling, as if someone was shaking their keys. I looked up to see the boys surrounding me in a semicircle formation. The jingling noise I heard was coming from a belt. It was wrapped around the hand of none other than Jc Caylen. The pain of the belt hitting me was equivalent to the pain of being stabbed. After what felt like decades it stopped hurting, so they stopped. They went on with their day as if nothing happened and I ran out of that house, hoping I would never return.

--the next morning--

I woke up in extreme pain, the pain mostly coming from my legs. It took everything in me not to scream out in pain as I sat up against my bed. I rolled up my pant legs to reveal multiple welts covering my legs. I noticed my arms had them too. I felt pain in my hip and on my stomach and back because of them. It was shocking, actually. I have never been shocked before.

So this is the last part of the deleted scene (for now). Have a wonderful day and if it's nighttime then go to bed! Love you all so much! A più tardì (that's Italian for see you later)!

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