Rough Waters

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Max's POV

2 days later and I'm back in the hospital. I can't stop think about the kiss. The worst part is that I have absolutely nothing else to do so if I don't want to die of boredom, I'm kinda forced to think about it. I try to brush it off and think about something else but it never works, it always goes back to the kiss. It's getting harder and harder to stay strong but I promised everyone, especially Trevor, that I would try as hard as I could. Today Trevor came in and visited. He told me that I got the part. I don't know why I even tried out though. I probably won't be able to go to any of the practices and I maybe not even be able to last until the show. The play they're doing is Legally Blonde. I didn't get the lead but an understudy and I'm in the ensemble. That's good enough I guess, they could always replace me in case something happens, you know what I mean. It's 4:00 right now and I wasn't expecting any other visitors after Trevor, but in walks the one and only Sam Pottorff. I'm pretty tired at the moment so I'm in no place to talk. "Hey," he says semi-quietly, "how ya holding up?" He smiles which makes me smile. I feel a weird tingly feeling whenever I'm around him. Do I like Sam Pottorff? No, I can't he's like my brother. The beepy thing that shows me my heart rate beeps slightly faster. We both look at it and just end up staring. Its weird, it was memorizing, hypnotizing. Okay, way too many big words. He grabs my hand as if it happened everyday. I start freaking out. I don't know why, I look at his hand then at him and that repeats a number of times. I mouth drops the the floor. I just lay back and smile, looking at the tiny old TV hanging over our heads.

Suddenly Sam grabs the remote and turns down the volume a little so we can hear each other and don't get distracted by the TV. He squeezes my hand tight for a second and then releases. I look at him, still smiling. He kisses my hand like I'm the queen. "What am I the queen?" I giggle. "Your my queen." he says. My heart stops. "W-what?" I say. I'm frozen. "Max, I love you," he starts out, "and I can't imagine a world without you and the fact that th-that could happen is horrible and it breaks my heart." "I love you to, Sam. Your my best friend," he starts to frown, "you're like a broth-" "Do you feel anything more than brother and sister?" he says, sounding desperate. "I don't know yet, Sam." I say shrugging and looking away. I look out the window and at the park next door I guess you could say. I look all around but something caught my eye. Right in front of the window I see a guy proposing to his girlfriend. I tear up a little thinking if I will ever make it long enough to live that. I look down and repeat, "I don't know."

---the next day---

I feel horrible today, worse than ever before. All I've been thinking about is, "what if it's my last day?" It's the worst thing too think about. I try to think positive but it's like trying to NOT think about the kiss. I can't do it, I try and brush it off and but in the back of my mind but it never works. Everyone's here trying to help me and support me. I broke down when it was just me and Trevor. He was trying to comfort me but it was making it worse. I love him so much and I don't want to leave him. None of them. Everyone in the room was chatting and trying to lighten the mood but then I couldn't hear anything. I knew what was happening. I'm dying. I read that your hearing gave out first. Trevor was sitting next to my bed talking someone so his back was turned to me. I grab his arm and start freaking out. I start breathing heavily and slightly scream, "Trevor?!" Tears start falling from my eyes and it won't stop. It's like a waterfall. "What?! What's wrong?!" he says clearly worried. "I'm dying." I say almost in a whisper. "What?" he says, also whispering, "you can't be." He chokes up. "I don't wanna go." I says and more tears fall from my face. The room becomes silent as everyone realizes what's going on. Everyone's eyes become glassy and their eyes brim with tears. Trevor strokes my hair as he cries silently. "Trevor, help!" I say almost yelling at him. I don't know why I'm mad because really, he can't so anything. "It's okay." he whispers. "No." I choke out. "Just let go." he says. It's the last thing I hear before my hearing gives out. "Trevor." I whisper even though I can't here myself. I see him say something but my vision gets blury. "Trevor." I say again but slightly louder. I can barely see telling me to "shh." "Trevor!" I scream loudly before everything is gone. I am dead.

SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE THREE YEARS BUT HERE YOU GO! Okay so I'm slowly becoming obsessed with Smash but that doesn't matter. Comment if you love Smash! So GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK! Who do you ship #Mc or #Sax?! I might update again tonight so BE READY FOR THE SPAM! Okay I put way too many comas in this chapter but WHO CARES. Also I keep using caps lock if you didn't notice so yeah... I'm loud deal with it. Okay BYEEE!👋👋👋

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