The Goodbye Song

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Just because the title of this chapter is The Goodbye Song doesn't mean the book is ending! You'll see why it's called that by the end of the chapter.

Max's POV

---one week from where we left off---

Today I scheduled an appointment at the hair salon. That's when my mind starts racing. Am I making the right choice? What if everyone is lying to me and really don't want me too? Should I do this still? I take a few deep breaths and calm down a little bit. Trevor snaps me out of my thoughts by yelling, "Max, come on! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" I take one more deep breath and quickly took a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Then I run downstairs. Trevor and I hop into the car (as my mom would say it) and make our way to the place.

"Do you think I'm making a good decision? I don't think I ever asked you." I said out of the blue. "I don't think you're making the wrong decision, but I'm gonna miss your long hair," he said ruffling my hair. We giggled as I fixed my hair. My hair was down to my butt and became knotted very easily. Right then I questioned again if I was doing the right thing. Nobody said it was the right choice but no one said it was wrong. What if everyone hates it?! Will I have to wear a wig or will people accept the way I look? I stroked my hair and thought 'I'm gonna miss it too'.

The place that we went to was quite small but I liked it. There were only a few people there so the seats were not filled up, but almost all the stylists were working. I guess someone's going to have to wait a while. Thankfully, there was one stylist available so I could get this over with fast. Everything before was a blur, but finally it was time to shave it all off. She grabbed the razor and turned it on. It felt as if everything was in slow motion. Of course Trevor was by my side the whole time though. Then I blurted out, "wait!" She turned off the contraption and her hand fell to her side. She had on a face that said, 'you better give me a tip.' "Do you think I could just donate my hair, and not shave it off?" I continued. "Well you got enough hair to give at least two kids wigs," she said in a raspy annoyed tone of voice. She sounded almost like Roz (is that how you spell it?) from Monsters Inc. "Yeah, I think I'll do that," I smiled a great, big smile as she cut off almost all my hair, leaving me with shoulder length hair. I loved it. She turned the chair around to show Trevor. His eyes went wide as he gasped. He sprang up and gave me a great big hug as the lady shrieked, "watch the hair!" "Come on, let's go show the guys," he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the salon. I pulled him back in and paid. I ended up giving the lady a tip after all. Then we ran out of the store once again. In the car we started discussing the school play again. "So, how was it?" I asked. "Terrible," Trevor answered simply. "Your understudy," he started, "kept messing up the lines even though they were simple lines! They were off key most of the time and I just didn't get it. Therefore, it wasn't funny and it wasn't good." I felt so official with an understudy. "Really? Therefore?" I teased. "What?! I'm just declaring that it was awful!" He shouted. "Declaring? Okay, Prince Trevor, calm down," I joked as we pulled into the driveway, laughing like idiots. We walked in and saw the rest of the o2l guys waiting patiently and talking in the living room. I quickly hid behind a wall as Trevor announced, "introducing the new and improved Max!" Wow, he really is Prince Trevor. We also planned this in the car, but I didn't think it would work out like I planned. Thank god it did or we would've looked so stupid, like more stupid than already. I walked out shyly and waved to the guys. At first they were wide eyed and/or smiling, but they soon broke out into to cheers and claps. I bowed and curtsied as they pretended to through roses at me onto the "stage". JC and Sam stood up at the same time. Uh oh. JC motioned to me and sat back down. What a gentleman. Not really, it was just nice. He hugged me tight. Then Jc got up and hugged me, but no one likes regular hugs so then everyone got up and we had a big group hug. I was saddened to find everyone but Connor in this group hug. He wasn't even here. "You look beautiful not matter how long or short your hair gets," Sam whispers in my ear. I shiver and whisper back, "thanks." I begin to get sad again as everyone pulls away. Sad that Connor wasn't here, sad that I had to go back to the hospital to give the kids there wigs when they were made even though I was released. Oh yeah, by the way I was released from the hospital a few days ago. I already knew who I would give my hair to. These two girls. They shared a room and they were best friends. Even though they had cancer they were always smiling and happy as can be. They lost there hair awhile ago and I thought it was about time they got it back. When we hung out they always complimented my hair so it must be nice. They deserve everything.

We hung out all day, the o2l boys and I. I went outside to get some fresh air. Of course I see none other than Jc Caylen sitting on our hammock, staring at the sunset. I sit down next to him. "You look beautiful in any hair length," he said semi-quietly. I said the same thing I told Sam, "thank you."

I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever! I will try to update more often. I have a little bit of writers block but don't worry there is some romance coming up soon. Love y'all!😘 -Syd

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