Superboy and the Invisible Girl (Deleted Chapter)

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So this is the sort of a "deleted scene" that didn't fit in with the storyline but I thought of this before I even started writing so I thought I'd include it because I know how much you guys love this book. Happy reading!☺️📚

Max's POV
I don't think I could get out of school faster than I did today. Today was awful. I failed a math test, had a pop quiz in social studies, and I still haven't gotten my daily beating from the boys. When will they ever stop? When will Trevor grow a pair and finally say no? I saw the older boys' car pull in front of the school and Trevor, Kian, and Sam walking towards me. I'd do anything not to be in this situation, I've had a terrible day so far and it's only getting worse. So I ran. I ran all the way home, hoping the boys wouldn't notice. Thankfully, they didn't. I ran until the school was out of sight and then started to walk home. When I walked through the door I was instantly deafened by Trevor blasting Prince songs (this only makes sense if you listened to the song I attached). I took my jacket off and hid in my room, trying to block everything out by listening to music. For a split second I heard a muffled thud. I took off my headphones and was about to investigate when my bedroom door swung open. I took a few steps back as the o2l bullies poured into my room. Jc grabbed my arms while Ricky had my legs. I struggled and screamed for help but Trevor couldn't hear. They carried me down the stairs until I freed myself. I hit the ground running, literally. I grabbed my jacket and ran out the already opened door as fast as humanly possible. I wasn't sure where I was going but I'll find out soon. I looked around for a place to hide until they past, like in the movies. Unfortunately, there was only an open field where they would definitely see me. I thought about what I would do until I found myself sprinting across the field and towards the forest on the other side. When I was halfway across the field I heard the sound of metal jiggling. I didn't dare to look back, but I knew they were hopping the fence and chasing after me. I was tackled my none other than Connor... The runner. I quickly and forcefully pushed him off out of instinct. I started to run again but someone was kicking at my feet, trying to trip me. It was Ricky. I slapped him with the back of my hand as a reflex and kept running. Then I stopped. 'If Trevor won't stand up to them then I will,' I thought. I turned around and tackled Kian. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slapped him. I got up and dodged a punch from the recovered Connor. I tripped him and kicked him in his side. I pushed Jc back, making him fall on his butt, and punched him many times until I was knocked over by Ricky. He climbed on top of me and tried to pin me down. I moved my hands everywhere so they were out of his reach. I punched, which he dodged, and punched again, which hit him right in the nose. I felt it crack beneath my knuckles. I kicked him hard in the stomach and ran into the forest. Before I stepped in I looked back at the damage I'd done. Ricky was throwing up, probably from my hard kick, and Connor just looked at me as if he were asking for help. Kian was helping the others and Jc was unconscious. I ran into the forest to find shelter on this cold day. I climbed up a small but sturdy tree. I sat down on the thickest and most sturdy-looking branch and wrapped my heavy coat around my tiny cold body. I looked around and focused on the beautiful little forest. It really wasn't very large. In the near distance I could see another fence and a highway. There weren't many woodland creatures, considering the space, especially at this time of year. I thought about when I would get home. What if as I'm walking home they recover and beat me? What if the cops get involved? A girl in a tree and 3 unconscious boys in a field. I really should have thought this out better.

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