Watch What Happens

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Max's POV

Yep he did it. I'm going to kill him afterwards and he's even bringing the guys. Isn't my life great?!😒 So yeah I'm singing Watch What Happens from Newsies. I show up after school and quietly hum it to myself in my seat in the huge auditorium. I look around realizing that I'm almost never in the auditorium and on top of that I've never auditioned for anything before. I snap out of my silent nervous breakdown as I hear my name being called. I stand up shakily and walk over about to fall into the seats. I make my way up stage and they ask what I am singing. "Watch What Happens from Disney's Newsies." I answered. "Okay, start when you're ready." some random senior says. I take a deep breath and start singing the complicated song. Why did I do this again?

"Write what you know"

so they say, all I know is I don't know what to write

or the right way to write it.

This is big, lady, don't screw it up,

This is not some little vaudeville I'm reviewing.

Poor little kids versus rich greedy sour pusses

Ha! It's a cinch!

It could practically write itself--

And let's pray it does, cause as I may have mentioned,

I have no clue what I'm doing.

Am I insane? This is what I've been waiting for.

Well that, plus the screaming of ten angry editors.

A girl? It's a girl! How the hell? Is that even legal?

Look, just go and get her!

Not only that, there's a story behind the story:

Thousands of children, exploited, invisible.

Speak up, take a stand, and there's someone to write about it.

That's how things get better.

Give life's little guys some ink, and when it dries just watch what happens.

Those kids will live and breathe right on the page

and once they're center stage, you watch what happens.

And who's there with her camera and her pen

as boys turn into men

they'll storm the gates and then just watch what happens when they do.


Picture a handsome, heroically charismatic--

plain spoken, know nothing, skirt-chasing, cocky little son of a--

lie down with dogs and you wake up with a raise and a promotion.

So, he's a flirt,

a complete ego maniac.

The fact is he's also the face of the strike--

What a face--

face the fact, that's a face that could save us all from sinking in the ocean.

Like someone said, "Power tends to corrupt"

and absolute power, wait! Wait, corrupts!?

Absolutely, that is genius!

But give me some time, I'll be twice as good as that six months from never.

Just look around at the world we're inheriting

and think of the one we'll create.

Their mistake is they got old, that is not a mistake we'll be making.

No sir, we'll stay young forever!

Give those kids and me the brand new century and watch what happens.

It's David and Goliath do or die

the fight is on and I can't watch what happens.

But all I know is nothing happens if you just give in.

It can't be any worse than how it's been.

And it just so happens that we just might win,

so whatever happens! Let's begin!

(Sorry I won't put lyrics anymore if it's annoying, comment down below if it is. Also go see newsies!!!)

People clapped and I smiled. My smile faded when I looked back at the boys. They weren't clapping or smiling. Their eyes were wide open, they didn't like it. I walked off the stage and ran home.

I flopped face down on my bed and cried. I heard a knock on my door and screamed, "go away!" I heard the door open and close. I screamed it again and threw a pillow at the person. "You missed." said none other than the voice of Jc Caylen.

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