Chapter 34

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Zayn Malik

"We came as soon as we can"I said to Shamiah and Jefferson as they stood among us, holding hands.

I sadly looked away from their hands. I know right now is not the time to be thinking about Shamiah and I.It pained me to see her with someone else, especially a friend of mine, but I knew I had to let her go.

I looked back at the group as they talked and saw shamiah looking at me. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"So have you been?"She asked me while looking straight into my eyes. I stared back at her ignoring the looks from the others. I know they were worried about how I felt.

"I've been okay I guess"I said nodding my head slowly.That was a total lie. I was trying to convince myself and everyone else that I was okay but I really wasn't.

"That's bullshit zayn. I've known you for years and I know when your lying..."She said still staring at me. I sighed and close my eyes.

"I just...miss you...I've missed you so much...I mean I thought you err dead but your here standing in front of me..."I said keeping my eyes closed.

I felt arms wrap around me and I opened my eyes see Shamiah hugging me. I looked towards Jefferson and saw him smile at me. I smiled back as Shamiah pulled away.

"Hey I just got an idea.."Liam said as we walked back to our cars.We all tuned and stared at him.

"I was thinking that since we've all been through kidnapping and saving that we should start a program..."he said smirking.

We all like at each other then turned back to Liam. "That would be a great idea!"Shamiah said and everyone looked at her smiling. She smiled at all of us and walked towards her car where Jefferson was standing.

"We'll discuss it tomorrow at noon"She said smirking at me. She then hopped in the car with Jefferson following her actions.


I was already awake and dressed at exactly noon. I walked down stairs to see everyone sitting on my living room couch.

"Well let's begin" I said sitting down in front of Alicia. I looked towards Shamiah and liam to see them taking out blue print papers.

"Okay so I was thinking that we started a headquarters so that we don't have to keep meeting up at Nialls house.." Liam said spreading out th blue prints across the table in front of us.

I looked at the print nodding my ad slowly. It was a building and for each floor there were different things like one floor was like a lobby, so you can walk in and show I.D. Another floor was for training, etc.

"We all know how to fight battle and use guns right?" Jefferson asked looking at everyone in the room. We all nodded and smiled.

"Great! Now we can get some construction workers to start building and we can look for some experts spy's!" Liam exclaimed happily.

"I could ask my mother for some of her spy's...I mean she used them to watch all of us...." Shamiah said. We all looked at her worriedly.

"Are you sure babe?" Jefferson asked her as he wrapped and arm around her waist. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes I'm sure! I'm gonna call her right now." She said kissing him on the cheek and walking away phone in her hand.

"Alright let's go find some construction workers willing to build our headquarters!" Liam said as the rest of us followed him towards the door.

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