Vulcan Joseph ~ Encounter

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I'M DYINGGG😂 My phone really autocorrected 'Vulcan' to 'Vulva'...Lmaoo. Okay onto the story.

Every morning bright and early, you get up, put some athletic clothes on and go for a run around your neighbourhood. You do this cause you don't really want to work out like that but you still want some exercise you know what I mean.

So this morning like any other morning, you slip your shoes on and put your earphones in and headed out the door.

You did a lil stretchy stretch before you started running.
"Uzou muzou hito no nari kyosei..." You sang softly as you ran.

At this point you were getting into it singing a bit louder but not too loud.
"Yami so haratte yami so haratte" (It's the Jujutsu Kaisen op if you didn't know)

You saw someone up ahead so you stop singing until you get a good distance from them. As you got closer you stole a couple glances at him. You've never seen him around before. Maybe a new neighbour? He looked very cool. He had red? Pink? Idk hair, two black rings on his neck that looked like it was tattooed on there and he was dressed really nicely. Black dress shoes, long khaki pants cuffed at the ankles, a white t-shirt with a jean jacket and then another brown leather jacket on top.

You said a small good morning and continued running becoming very self conscious about how your voice sounded when you greeted him or how you're running but you kept on running.

He, on the other hand, stopped as soon as you passes him and looked back at you for a while but you don't notice because you kept running.


You came home, freshened up and got something to eat. You made a protein shake to go with your sandwich and watched some tv while you ate.

You finished eating your breakfast and was just sitting there with your empty dishes way too emersed in the show to get up and clean them.

That was soon interrupted by a knock at your door. You weren't expecting anyone so who could that be?

You got up and went to the and looked through the peep hole to see a head of red hair. It was the guy from earlier. You couldn't miss him a second time with those distinct tattoos.

He was only wearing the white t-shirt without the layers of jackets revealing more black rings on both his biceps and one on his left tricep.

You slowly opened the door and saw that he was holding a red tin box.

"Hi" you said with a friendly smile.

"Hey. I know this is kinda weird but my name's Vulcan. I just moved here across the street from you." He said partially turning around and pointing at your neighbour's house who moved out not to long ago.

"I just wanted to introduce myself to my new neighbours and I come bearing gifts" he laughed a little and held up the box.

You reached out and took it. "Oh thank you. That's so nice of you. My name's Y/N by the way." You reached out with one hand and he shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I gotta get going now though. I have a couple more deliveries to make. See you around." He turned around and jogged down your driveway. You smiled and waved at him and he waved back as he entered his driveway, literally directly across from yours.

You went inside to open the box and there were homemade rice crispy treats with red sprinkles on top. You giggled at how cute this is. He really likes red huh?

Maybe he was doing this all morning which explains why he was walking this morning or maybe he was just taking in the scenery...anyways.

You took a treat and took a bite not before praying that he wasn't some psychopath and wanted to poison you or something but they were good.

You put the rest of them in the fridge and  finished the one in your hand.


After that day you saw him around more often. It became a routine to wave at him in his home gym before you went on your morning run. He would be there in the morning working out and you saw even more tattoos because he wore a tank top to work out.

You sometimes saw him when you were taking out trash, getting the mail, going to work and all that stuff.

Eventually you exchanged numbers and and arranged a time for you guys to get to know each other better. You accepted because he didn't seem like a creep and you also wanted to know more about him if he lives right across from you.

You agreed to go to his place to have a drink or two and maybe some more rice crispy treats who knows.

You got ready and headed across the street and lightly knocked oh his door. After a couple seconds he opened it. He had on a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey. Come on in." He answered as he was holding the door open for you.

You walked in and there was a table for two set up in his dining area. It was minimal but beautiful.

"Your house is beautiful" you complimented his interior design skills.

"Really? Thank you. I try" he chuckled.


You guys had dinner and talked a lot. Not only about yourselves but other radom stuff too. Eventually he asked you about your birthday so you tell him.

"I was born on the Day/month/1999" you say.

"When's your birthday?" You ask him.

"April 18th, 01" he answered which confused you because the date didn't match up with how old he said he was.

"I thought you said you were 22?" You question everything he's saying now.

"1901" he said.

You laughed at this because there's no way.

But he wasn't laughing. Not even a smile. He was dead serious.

Word count: 986

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