Arthur Boyle ~ Best Friends

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Warning: cuteness overload

An infernal showed up close by and the whole of Company 8 started getting ready to attend to the situation.

You were Arthur's best friend and you always helped him get ready for his missions. You laid out his suit and Excalibur on his bed so that he can get ready quicker. Arthur was in his bathroom brushing his teeth so you left the room so he can get dressed.

"Thank You!" he said with a mouth full of toothpaste from the bathroom. "You don't have to thank me everytime Art, think of it as our routine." You called him Art because let's face it, he is a piece of art in all honesty.

After waiting outside his room for a while you heard him shout "done" from his room so you re-entered. "Okay sit down," you said. You took a scrunchie from your arm and tied his hair up so it won't interfere when he's fighting.

You planted a kiss on his forehead. "You're all set. Be safe okay?" He had a slight blush on his face because of the kiss. You do it every morning so you thought he'd be used to it by now. "Of course. This knight can't die without a princess," he said. You just laughed at him.

"Hurry you'll be late. And you don't want Hinawa-san to yell at you. Maybe even shoot you," you warned.

He shot his eyes open remembering the last time he was late and took a bullet to the arm. "Shit, later (Y/N)" he said and ran out the door and into the matchbox.

"Later" You said to yourself while watching the matchbox drive off. You asked Art that when he leaves to go on missions to say 'later' instead of 'goodbye'. You just wanted a little reassurance since these infernals are dangerous and the word later means to you that you'll see him later for sure.

You've been best friends with Arthur for about a year now and not gonna lie you have a little crush on him but you were scared to tell him because you didn't want to ruin the friendship if he didn't feel the same. It would be awkward as hell, well to you atleast.

You were one of the scientists for Company 8 so you stayed at the office and ran tests and stuff while they were out and you were always anxious for everyone to comeback because it gets kinda boring sometimes but Licht entertained you sometimes with his craziness.

After thinking about new ways to help Vulcan with the scientific part of building new gear for so long, you got bored. So you decided to make some cookies for the team because they work so hard. You gathered all the ingredients to make Art's favourite cookie which is double chocolate chip cookies. It had both white and milk chocolate chips. He loved it.

After making enough cookies for everyone, you went to freshen up and waited for them to return from their mission.

Not long after Arthur and Shinra came bursting though the door, fighting over who reaches inside first. They smelled the aroma of the cookies from the front of the building. "I should go first Shinra! They're MY favourite!" Arthur whined. You just laughed at them fussing around. "Thank you (Y/N)!" " You're the best!" Tamaki and Iris thanked you. "They're not wrong. You're just too adorable aren't you?" Obi said making you blush slightly. "Thank you, sir."

You turned around to go give Arthur a hug because you missed him just to see him and Shinra gobbling down cookies while staring at each other. "You guys slow down, you're gonna choke on a chocolate chip" Hinawa scolded them. You just watched them and laughed.

After all the fuss in the kitchen, Arthur called you to his room. "I brought something back for you!" He said. You furrowed your eyebrows wondering what it could be. "Really? What is it?" He pulled out a small rock with shiny gems all on the top of it. You took it and just stared at it. It was sooo pretty.

"I cut through a rock with Excalibur while I was fighting and there were a bunch of these in it

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"I cut through a rock with Excalibur while I was fighting and there were a bunch of these in it. When I saw it I thought of you, because it's beautiful, just like you." He explained.

"Art I-.....Thank you so much," You gave him a tight long hug. "You're welcome" he said and kissed the top of your head. You started crying a bit. Just to think that he thought of you in a time like that melts your heart.

He heard you sniffling and pulled away. "It's Okay, you deserve it." He placed his hands on your cheeks and wipes you tears away. He kept his hand on your face and looked deeply into your eyes and you looked back into his getting lost in those blue orbs.  His eyes flickered down to your lips and you could feel him getting closer.

He slowly leaned in, shyly placing a soft kiss on your lips. His hand still on your face and your lips moving slowly in sync. It was full of passion but it was calming at the same time.

It felt like forever but he slowly pulled away, his breathing slightly heavy from the kiss. "(Y/N), I'm tired of being best friends. You are there for me everytime I need you and I want to do the same for you and when I go out on missions you're all I can think about because you helped me get ready for it. And I love how excited you get when I come back and I just-...I love everything about you. I love you."

You started tearing up again after hearing the man of your dreams confess his feelings for you. You were so stunned and speechless. "I l..I love you too Art. I always have." With that he placed a small kiss on your last once more.

"Do you wanna stay over tonight?" He asked, his eyes glistening with hope that you'd say yes."Yeah, I'd love to."

After Arthur changed out of his uniform he hopped on the bed beside you. "Hi" he said all excited. You just hummed in response smiling at him.
"Wanna cuddle?" You asked him. "Yeah we can cuddle. We can do more than cuddling too if you want." He said. "What? You mean like kissing?" You asked confused. Arthur exhaled "Sure like kissing" he said in a monotone voice. You playfully hit him  on his arm. "I'm kidding" he said laughing as well. "Come here" he said with open arms gesturing for you to lay on him. You did as he said. And laid your head on his chest closing your eyes to go to sleep. "Or am I?" He mumbled to himself. You didn't quite hear what he said so you asked,"What was that?"  "Ohhh nothing, goodnight my princess" he said planting a kiss on the top of your head. You giggled a bit before remembering what he said about a knight and his princess earlier. "Goodnight my knight" and soon after you fell asleep in his arms.

Word count: 1204

This was so fun to write. Also let me know if you like when I write "you" or "she" in these one shots.
Question of the day:
How old are you guys?
I'm 18

Edit: y'all I'm 20 now😭 where'd the time go?!?

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