Akitaru Obi ~ Friends

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You and Obi go way back, you went to school together but didn't really get to know each other well. At first you guys barely knew each other, sharing sneaky glances at each other and waving at each other whenever you happened to cross paths.

The bonding event happened when there was an inferno attack in your village when you guys were only 18. He had saved you from some falling debris and brought you to the station because you passed out from the fumes.

Ever since that day you wanted to help people just like he helped you and you were a pyrokinetic so you joined the force and you guys became good friends ever since.

You always looked up to Obi because even if he doesn't  have any ignition abilities he still tries his best to save people and his charismatic personality just added to his attractive traits.

One afternoon, he wasn't being all energetic and working out as usual. Instead he was reading a book. You noticed that recently he's been invested in this book. You snuck a peek at the cover and it said 'Icha Icha'.

Icha Icha? What the- You thought to yourself.

You were curious so you went up to him to ask and tapped him on the shoulder.

  when you tapped his shoulder he was slightly startled."Oh Y/N" he said with a closed eye smile scratching the back of his neck. "Why are you reading those books in public you perv" you laughed softly punching his arm.

"I can do what I want, besides they're pretty interesting..You should read them" he said motioning the book to you.

"Akitaru, really?" You say shooting him a playful glare before reaching out and clapping his hands together so that his book would close. "Hope you remember your chapter."

"I do" he says opening the exact page he was on and continued reading."Too easy Y/N."

You just sigh and stop trying "What's so interesting about that book anyway?"

He looks up at you through his lashes and says, "I can show you." You didn't look at him because you were flustered but you could sense his smirk.

Blushing furiously you don't say anything because you know what the book entails.

The fact that you've never experienced anything in these books or even had a boyfriend made it worse. You were just speechless but that didn't stop Obi from making his move.

"Tonight..9pm at my place" he simply said and walked off. You sat there dumbfounded, panicking internally as he disappeared into another room. "What...the fuck" is all you can mutter.

It was 4pm and you were laying on the couch in your house looking at the ceiling thinking about what you would even do. Is it a one night stand or what?

Time seemed to pass by quickly on this day and your heart beats faster with every hour that passed by.

You put on a simple outfit and headed out. (Some frickin sweatpants and a t-shirt)

You climbed the stairs to Obi's porch and lightly knocked on the door. He opened the door with that cute smile on his face like always. You try your hardest not to do that nervous smile like Shinra.

"So you came" he said. He was quite happy that you accepted his offer. You simply smile back and he pulls you by the hand inside and shut the door.

He had his hand on the door so that you're trapped between him and the door. You didn't dare move because you were so flustered. It is your first time after all but he didn't know that.

He leaned in and lightly kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear, "oh I'll show you" he said, slowly moving away and heading to the bedroom with your hands intertwined. "Trust me" was the last thing he said before he sat on his bed and pulled you onto his lap.

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