Maki x Blind Male Reader

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To: Puppet198463 I hope you enjoyed

There was one thing I hated to do at company. Just one. And that is running errands.

I hate walking around town, the loud noises, people stepping on me, every so often bumping into me and I just would rather someone else do it. But today I did it because everyone else was busy.

"Ramen, rice and eggs" I read from the list. This must be Hinawa's. He even put the exact supermarket where he wanted me to get them from so I headed there.

Walking into the building the smell of fresh produce got my nose together with the crisp air of the air conditioning. Lots of other people shopping with their big carts struggling to get past each other in the narrow aisles.

I looked up, eyes searching for aisle three so I can get my last item, eggs. I reached into the fridge to take a carton but I noticed this black powder on it. Just a tiny bit as if the person that took the one next to it had charcoal all over their hand. I smelled the substance and it smelt of ash.

I looked to my left, nothing. Then I looked to my right to see a person casually pushing their cart down aisle 3. Then I saw the carton of eggs with a small pile of ashes.

Soon after the person burst into flames. I was already on the phone with Hinawa informing him about the situation. He told me to wait until they came but the infernal was attacking civilians so I couldn't just let people get hurt.

"Hey!" I shouted. The firey being turned to me and started charging towards me. I started running to the back where it didn't have any civilians. This was a risky move since I didn't have any weapons, just my black protective pants with a black shirt. Like my good sir Vulcan under there.

I reached the back but it was a dead end

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I reached the back but it was a dead end. As soon as I turned around I felt this hot substance over my eyes. Like someone threw boiling hot water on my eyes. Soon after I heard the wailing screams of the infernal then it disappeared with a bang.

"(Y/N)!" I heard my girlfriend scream from the top of her lungs. At this point I was on my knees ready to pass out from the pain. I couldn't see a thing. "Maki...I can't see." I cried. "I can't see"

The last thing I remember is being lifted of the ground and hearing Maki's voice full of pain. "We're gonna get you some help. Hang in there."


I woke up on an unfamiliar surface. It was not as soft as the couch at company 8 or as soft as Maki and I's shared bed. Never in my life did I actually want to be blinded by bright lights so bad. But it was nothing but darkness with a little bit of shadows blur here and there.

"(Y/N)?" There it was. That sweet voice that I hoped to hear, that I hoped won't leave because of my current situation. "I'm so glad you're awake." She said as she kissed my temple and brushed her fingers through my hair.

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