Benimaru Shinmon ~ Jealous

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"Thank you Obi! You're the best" you said while accepting the bag of your favourite treats in them

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"Thank you Obi! You're the best" you said while accepting the bag of your favourite treats in them.

"No problem." He said with his adorable smile.

He came by to drop of Shinra, Arthur and Tamaki for training and he came bearing gifts.

After he left you can tell that Benimaru was acting a bit off.

"What wrong Ben?" You ask.

"Nothing" he said and went to his training.

You brushed it off as him just being moody and did some chores around the house.

You finished your chores and sat down to eatsome treats that Obi gave you but you were getting kind of bored so you went outside to check out the boys' training.

Shinra and Arthur were sparring with Benimaru and they were getting beat pretty bad. Not a single scratch was on Benimaru but the boys looked like they were tied on the back of a horse and was dragged for miles.

When their training was done you tended to Shinra and Arthur. You cleaned and bandaged their wounds. You have them some of your treats and you made them drinks.

All these things were just good hospitability right? Riiight.


You watched intentley at the tv screen while Benimaru made some ramen for himself. You on the other hand were eating some more of the food that Akitaru gifted you.

You offered to make him something to eat but he refused and said he'd make something for himself.

You thought he was just moody before but no. He's mad.

"What's wrong with you Benimaru. You haven't even talked to me for the whole day." You questioned him.

"I'm just tired. I'm going to bed" he said and went to your shared bedroom.

You sighed and watched a bit more tv before going to bed yourself.

When you got to the bedroom he was still awake just staring at the ceiling.

"Aww you can't sleep without me?" You teased and laid down next to him.


It was an exceptionally cold night and you were practically burying yourself into Benimaru under the blanket and you were still freezing.

"What kind of fire soldier are you if you can't even keep me warm." You whined playfully, shifting in his arms.

He gave you a side eye. "What do you want me to do set you on fire?" He snarked. "Why don't you go cuddle with your fire soldier Obi." He said and let go of you turning hid back towards you.

Are you kidding me? He's actually jealous. So that's why he's been acting shitty all day, you thought.

"Might as well" you played along.

He let out a deep chuckle and turned to you but your back is towards him.

"Stop fucking playing with me y/n." He said as he puts his arms around you again but this time he placed his hand on your breast and squeezed.

You felt him slightly grind against your butt then he kissed your neck. "They don't call me the king of destruction for nothing" he whispered in your ear and he went to sleep cuddling you.

Word count: 515

😳 I hope you enjoyed?

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