Charon ~ Late

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You are currently on vacation from your job so you stay up late watching shows, playing games and eating snacks a lot.

Your boyfriend Charon still has about two weeks until he's on vacation as well so you have to be quiet a night so that he could sleep.

You cooked him breakfast this morning before he went to work and helped him get ready. Most of the time he just let you sleep and does everything by himself because he wants to be the best boyfriend you ever had.

He leaves his laptop open a lot all over the house and there was this one time where when you used it to search up how to make fluffy pancakes. As soon as you type 'how' a whole list of purple pops up. 'How to make your girlfriend happy, how to be the best boyfriend' and so on.

You laughed at first but the  teared up a little bit because he's always thinking about you and how to always keep you happy.


You hear his car pull up outside of the house so you ran behind the wall near the door to attempt to scare him.

The sound of his keys made you giggle with excitement and nervousness for something so small.

You're usually on the couch when he comes home and you run in his arms when he opens the door.

"Babe I'm home!" He shouted. Waiting to hear your footsteps trailing down the stairs but nothing.

He started walking, headed towards the stairs then you hear his footsteps suddenly stop.

Soon after you saw his hand coming around the corner of the wall. "Are you trying to scare me?" He said and laughed at your failed attempt.

You screamed when you grabbed your arm and pull you out from behind the wall and into a big hug.

"I love you so much" he said and then let you go so he can go shower and change but you jump on his back so he can carry you up the stairs.


"How was work today?" You asked sitting on the bed as he gets dressed after he showered.

"Wasn't as stressful today but I am drained. Haumea called in sick for the 700th time and they handed her paperwork over to yours truly."

"Aw they over worked my poor baby." You laughed a little after you said that. " I mean her dad does own the company sooo"

"Okay I don't want to hear about that hell hole anymore. Let's watch a movie." He said and picked you up from the bed and headed downstairs.

"You're so cute" he said to you while in his arms. He lifted you up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on them.

You guys got some snacks and drinks ready and watched a few movies until he got sleepy.

"Hey." He said barely awake. "I'm gonna go to bed now so I can check in to he'll tomorrow."

You giggled "okay goodnight" he gave you a goodnight kiss that lasted for a while but who's complaining?

"The energy this kiss holds. I almost don't want to sleep anymore." He laughed and started getting up. "Goodnight. Don't stay up to late"  he said. His voice disappearing along with his body up the stairs.


You've been binge watching your favourite anime for the nth time wrapped up in a blanket in Charon's hoodie. It has been a couple hours since he went to bed so he should be dead asleep by now.

But you saw him coming down the stairs. You sink into your blanket thinking that you were being to loud and woke him up.

Without a word he grabbed the remote and switched the TV off. He then walked towards you and picked you up by your hood with one hand.

(I know you'd probably be choking to death irl lmao but is this real life?)

He carried you all the way up the stairs and into the bedroom and plops you on your side of the bed.

He walked over to his side and laid down. He turned to you and placed your head on his chest and cuddled you.

"I told you not to stay up to late Y/N" and he fell back asleep.

You smiled when you realized that he just got tired of sleeping without you.

Word count: 729

A little short but sweet oneshot.
I hope you enjoyed x :)

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